Black Sea scientific network (BLACK SEA SCENE)

Beşiktepe , Şükrü
The Black Sea SCENE project aims to establish a Black Sea Scientific Network of leading environmental and socio-economic research institutes, universities and NGO's from the countries around the Black Sea and to develop a virtual data and information infrastructure that will be populated and maintained by these organisations to improve the identification, access, exchange, quality indication and use of their data and information about the Black Sea. The Black Sea SCENE research infrastructure will stimulate scientific cooperation, exchange of knowledge and expertise, and strengthen the regional capacity and performance of marine environmental data & information management, underpin harmonization with European marine data quality control/assessment procedures and adoption of international meta-data standards and data-management practices, providing improved data & information delivery services for the Black Sea region at a European level. Black Sea SCENE consists of 32 partners from all Black Sea countries, 5 EU member states and 1 Associated State. Environmental and socio-economic scientists and technical specialists of the partners will meet regularly in Workshops to discuss and to formulate the specifications, to coordinate and tune the networking activities, to monitor and to evaluate the project progress, and to consider long term sustainability of the network and wider cooperation. Common Data Quality Control procedures will be explored and harmonized, whereby partners from EU member states will demonstrate EU practices. Partners will compile overviews of their marine datasets and data acquisition activities using established European metadata formats. Partners will assess the quality of their datasets and include Data Quality indicators in the metadata. A virtual data and information infrastructure will be implemented to facilitate the access to metadata and datasets.


Kıdeyş, Ahmet Erkan(2011-12-31)
The recently finished FP6 RI Black Sea SCENE project has established a Black Sea Scientific Network of leading environmental and socio-economic research institutes, universities and NGO’s from the countries around the Black Sea and has developed a distributed virtual data and information infrastructure that is populated and maintained by these organisations to improve the identification, access, exchange, quality indication and use of their data and information about the Black Sea. The Black Sea SCENE resea...
Black Sea Experiment BSEX
Salihoğlu, Barış; Kıdeyş, Ahmet Erkan; Yuneva, T.; Shulman, G.; Finenko, G.; Nikolsky, V.; Anninsky, B.; Destan, Öztürk; Kocak, M.; Panayotova, M.; Stefanova, K.; Shiganova, T.; Prieto, L.; Gücü, Ac; Uysal, Zahit; Svetlichny, L.; Seghedi, A.; Orek, Hasan (null; 2014-12-04)
Experienced teams in several of the Black Sea regions designed a specialised study with emphasis on addressing MSFD descriptors, which demand more detailed investigations. By making use of experimental investigations or process models the BSEX team mainly aims to address 3 defined hot topics; eutrophication, invasive ctenophores, anchovy spawning areas. During the BSEX 2013 joint cruises the level of eutrophication and distribution of phytoplankton, zooplankton and impact of gelatinous zooplankton is studie...
European COastal-shelf sea OPerational observing and forecasting system (ECOOP)
Bingel , Ferit(2010-4-30)
The overall goal of ECOOP is to: Consolidate, integrate and further develop existing European coastal and regional seas operational observing and forecasting systems into an integrated pan-European system targeted at detecting environmental and climate changes, predicting their evolution, producing timely and quality assured forecasts, providing marine information services (including data, information products, knowledge and scientific advices) and facilitate decision support needs. This is to be attaine...
Oceanography of the Black Sea: a review of some recent results
Ozsoy, E; Unluata, U (1997-11-01)
A new synthesis of the Black Sea oceanography is presented, primarily based on studies carried out in the southern Black Sea, as well as on some recent work covering the entire basin, obtained in a new era of increasing cooperation between the riparian countries. A review of the physical environment is given. Seasonal and interannual climatic variability of the system are discussed in relation to its hydrology. Water mass variability and formation are studied, with emphasis on the inflow of Mediterranean wa...
Black Sea Hydrate Formation Conditions of Methane Hydrogen Sulfide Mixtures
Bulbul, S.; Parlaktuna, Mahmut; Mehmetoglu, T.; Karabakal, U. (Informa UK Limited, 2014-01-01)
The objective of the study is to examine hydrate formation conditions of methane-hydrogen sulfide mixtures providing the Black Sea conditions. An experimental work is carried out by using a system that contains a high-pressure hydrate formation cell with different H2S concentrations and both brine and distilled water. Hydrate equilibrium conditions, the number of moles of free gas in the hydrate formation cell, and rate of hydrate formation are determined. Effects of H2S concentration on the hydrate formati...
Citation Formats
Ş. Beşiktepe, “Black Sea scientific network (BLACK SEA SCENE),” 2008. Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: