Gokturk, Ziya Ozkan
Çiçekli, Fehime Nihan
Cicekli, Ilyas
Event detection is a crucial part for soccer video searching and querying. The event detection could be done by video content itself or from a structured or semi structured text files gathered from sports web sites. In this paper, we present an approach of metadata extraction from match reports for soccer domain. The UEFA Cup and UEFA Champions League Match Reports are downloaded from the web site of UEFA by a web-crawler. Using regular expressions we annotate these match reports and then extract events from annotated match reports. Extracted events are saved in an MPEG-7 file. We present an interface that is used to query the events in the MPEG-7 match corpus. If an associated match video is available, the video portions that correspond to the found events could be played.


Streaming Multiscale Deep Equilibrium Models
Ertenli, Can Ufuk; Akbaş, Emre; Cinbiş, Ramazan Gökberk (2022-1-01)
We present StreamDEQ, a method that infers frame-wise representations on videos with minimal per-frame computation. In contrast to conventional methods where compute time grows at least linearly with the network depth, we aim to update the representations in a continuous manner. For this purpose, we leverage the recently emerging implicit layer models, which infer the representation of an image by solving a fixed-point problem. Our main insight is to leverage the slowly changing nature of videos and use the...
Event boundary detection using web-cating texts and audio-visual features
Müjdat, Bayar; Çiçekli, Fehime Nihan; Department of Computer Engineering (2011)
We propose a method to detect events and event boundaries in soccer videos by using web-casting texts and audio-visual features. The events and their inaccurate time information given in web-casting texts need to be aligned with the visual content of the video. Most match reports presented by popular organizations such as (the official site of Union of European Football Associations) provide the time information in minutes rather than seconds. We propose a robust method which is able to handle unce...
Ontological Video Annotation and Querying System for Soccer Games
Alan, Ozgur; Akpinar, Samet; Sabuncu, Orkunt; Cicekli, Nihan; Alpaslan, Ferda Nur (2008-10-29)
This paper describes a video annotation and querying system which is capable of semi-automatic annotation of videos from text. The extracted metadata is aligned with the corresponding video segments. This allows users to query videos according to their semantic content. We have chosen soccer domain to demonstrate the use of the system. The soccer videos are very suitable for our framework, since it is easy to find web-cast match reports for soccer games. The annotated videos are stored in MPEG-7 format in a...
Evaluation of Image Representations for Player Detection in Field Sports Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Sah, Melike; Direkoglu, Cem (2018-08-28)
Player detection is an important task in sport video analysis. Once players are detected accurately, it can be used for player tracking, player activity/performance analysis as well as team activity recognition. Recently, convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) became the state-of-the-art in computer vision for object recognition. CNN based methods usually use gray or RGB images as an input. It is also possible to use other image representation techniques such as shape information image and polar transformed sh...
Event Boundary Detection Using Audio Visual Features and Web casting Texts with Imprecise Time Information
MÜJDAT, Bayar; ALAN, Özgür; SAMET, Akpınar; ORKUNT, Sabuncu; Çiçekli, Fehime Nihan; Alpaslan, Ferda Nur (2010-07-21)
We propose a method to detect events and event boundaries in soccer videos by using web-casting texts and audio-visual features. The events and their inaccurate time information given in web-casting texts need to be aligned with the visual content of the video. We overcome this issue by utilizing textual, visual and audio features. Existing methods assume that the time at which the event occurs is given precisely (in seconds). However, most web-casting texts presented by popular organizations such as uefa.c...
Citation Formats
Z. O. Gokturk, F. N. Çiçekli, and I. Cicekli, “METADATA EXTRACTION FROM TEXT IN SOCCER DOMAIN,” 2008, p. 425, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: