Archaeology as a source of national pride in the early years of the Turkish Republic

Tanyeri-Erdemir, Tugba
This paper investigates the change of discourse related to the inculcation of national pride through archaeology in the first 15 years of the Turkish Republic. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, archaeological knowledge was used by Turkish scholars in the propagation of national identity and pride by illustrating that Turks were an ancient people with a long and remarkable past. After the commencement of the first Turkish excavations in 1934, archaeology assumed a different role. More than the data produced, the practice of archaeology itself became a source of national pride because it was an important indicator that Turkey was a modern country that could contribute to international scholarship. This change of discourse can be followed in archaeological field reports and in the papers presented af the first two meetings of the Turkish Historical Society in 1932 and 1937.


The display of hekatomnid power in karian settlements through urban imagery
Üzel, Ayça; Güven, Suna Naziyet; Department of Settlement Archaeology (2007)
This thesis focuses on a distinctive period in Karian history marked by the Hekatomnid dynasty in the 4th century BC. The basic question is the ways in which the Hekatomnid power was reflected in the Karian settlement practices and urban imagery. In this regard Maussollos, the most well-known member of the Hekatomnid dynasty, and his policies, including vast building projects and synoikismoi activities, are important indicators in giving a hint on Karian political praxis for the solution of conjectural prob...
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Archaeometric Studies at Yivli Minare in Antalya
Akyol, Ali Akin; KADIOĞLU, YUSUF KAĞAN; Demirci, Şahinde (2010-01-01)
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Land use, peasants and the republic: debates on land reform in Turkey, 1923-1945 /
Kaya, Safiye Yelda; Aytekin, Erden Attila; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2014)
This dissertation examines debates over land reform in the single-party period of the Republic of Turkey. It commences with a lengthy background discussion of tenurial relations in Ottoman and early Republican Anatolia. This part builds on secondary literature and revolves around the question as to whether commercialization of agricultural production altered patterns of land use and ownership in Anatolia. Therefore, the discussion starts off from nineteenth-century when Ottoman countryside was integrated to...
The impacts of the younger dryas period on plant and animal food resources of the ancient natufian culture and the economy
Ferah, Egemen; Pişkin, Evangelia; Department of Settlement Archaeology (2009)
This masters thesis investigates the environmental/climatic change that is thought to have brought about the economic shift and transition from Palaeolithic economic system of hunting gathering to Neolithic economic system of agriculture and domestication period around 11.000-10.000 years ago. This study uses the collected animal and plant data of the Natufian culture in the Levant region from the previous zooarchaeological and archaeobotanical literature anlyses. It shows a significant mathematical differe...
Citation Formats
T. Tanyeri-Erdemir, “Archaeology as a source of national pride in the early years of the Turkish Republic,” JOURNAL OF FIELD ARCHAEOLOGY, pp. 381–393, 2006, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: