An analysis of small group interaction in an academic discussion.

Velioğlu, Aysun


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Many in the academe and industry have long found computer- Aided design (CAD) education lacking. These critics have decried the lack of strategic skills and the focus on declarative knowledge associated with specific CAD packages. This work will discuss the most recent findings of a three year iterative investigation examining the role of contextual exercises on CAD modeling procedure and the manifestation of adaptive expertise. The effects of a varying number of contextual exercises incorporated in regular...
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Bilimsel üretim süreçlerinde toplumsal cinsiyet, bilimsel üretkenlik, tanınırlık arasındaki ilişkiye yönelik mevcut literatür akademideki hiyerarşik yapılanmayı, bilimde tabakalaşmayı ve eşitsizlik biçimlerini tartışmaya açmaktadır. Bilimsel üretim süreçleri farklı eşitsizlik formlarını içermekte ve yeniden üretici mekanizmalar ile devamlılığını mümkün kılmaktadır. Bilimsel problemin tanımlanma sürecinin aktif ve sürekli öznelerinin kimler olduğu ve kimlerin temsiliyetinin bu süreçte varlığını tesis etmekte...
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Çakır, Nur (null; 2015-08-25)
Students have more experience in solving well-structured problems as they are more common in the educational setting. However problems faced in everyday practice are generally ill-structured problems which may have many equally effective alternative solutions (Jonassen, 1997). This study investigates pre-service teachersí problem solving strategies in social sciences/in everyday situations, determine their tendencies and deficiencies, and explore the differences between problem solving behaviors of freshmen...
Citation Formats
A. Velioğlu, “An analysis of small group interaction in an academic discussion.,” Middle East Technical University, 1983.