Application of reaction matching technique to thin and thick linear antennas having rotational symmetry.

Qureshi, Mansoor


Application of bootstrap to likelihood ratio test to detect multiple changepoints in small time series data.
Yazıcı, Ceyda; Yozgatlıgil, Ceylan; Batmaz, İnci (2017-07-21)
Application of Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines to Sheet Metal Bending Process for Springback Compensation
Dilan, Rasim Askin; Balkan, Raif Tuna; Platin, Bülent Emre (EDP Sciences; 2016-07-07)
An intelligent regression technique is applied for sheet metal bending processes to improve bending performance. This study is a part of another extensive study, automated sheet bending assistance for press brakes. Data related to material properties of sheet metal is collected in an online manner and fed to an intelligent system for determining the most accurate punch displacement without any offline iteration or calibration. The overall system aims to reduce the production time while increasing the perfor...
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High cycle fatigue failure of turbine blades is one of the most important problems in the design of gas turbine engines; hence, bladed-disk assemblies have been studied extensively for more than half a century. Damping design becomes an important issue in order to attenuate the blade vibration. For bladed-disk systems, friction damping concept is a common strategy to decrease vibration levels. There are different strategies in order to add friction damping to the system: blade-to-blade dampers such as shrou...
Application of a natural-resonance based feature extraction technique to small-scale aircraft wires for electromagnetic target classification
Ersoy, Mehmet Okan; Sayan, Gönül; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2004)
The problem studied in this thesis, is the classification of the small-scale aircraft targets by using a natural resonance based electromagnetic feature extraction technique. The aircraft targets are modeled by perfectly conducting, thin wire structures. The electromagnetic back-scattered data used in the classification process, are numerically generated for five aircraft models. A contemporary signal processing tool, the Wigner-Ville distribution is employed in this study in addition to using the principal...
Application of photostress method on stress analysis of gear teeth
Böncü, Aysel; Bilir, Ömer Gündüz; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1994)
Citation Formats
M. Qureshi, “Application of reaction matching technique to thin and thick linear antennas having rotational symmetry.,” Middle East Technical University, 1980.