The displacement of the curd surface after cutting and the profiles of residual water entrapped inside were monitored using one dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Shrinkage of the curd occurred in two phases: the curd shrank immediately during cutting and then continued shrinking at a lower velocity. Experimental data of the one dimensional shrinkage of the curd obtained from the literature were simulated with a logistic equation. NMR analysis and literature data showed that the shrinkage velocity was almost constant during the initial stages. The movement of the casein strands supplies the pump work to expel whey from the curd. By applying the fundamental principles of thermodynamics and fluid flow, a simple mathematical model was used to describe simultaneous shrinkage and whey expulsion. Profiles of residual water entrapped in the curd were simulated with this model to confirm its validity.


Nonlinear optical properties of low temperature annealed silicon-rich oxide and silicon-rich nitride materials for silicon photonics
Minissale, S.; Yerci, Selçuk; Dal Negro, L. (2012-01-09)
We investigate the nonlinear optical properties of Si-rich silicon oxide (SRO) and Si-rich silicon nitride (SRN) samples as a function of silicon content, annealing temperature, and excitation wavelength. Using the Z-scan technique, we measure the non-linear refractive index n(2) and the nonlinear absorption coefficient beta for a large number of samples fabricated by reactive co-sputtering. Moreover, we characterize the nonlinear optical parameters of SRN in the broad spectral region 1100-1500 nm and show ...
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Coil sensitivity map calculation using biot-savart law at 3 tesla and parallel imaging in MRI
Esin, Yunus Emre; Alpaslan, Ferda Nur; Department of Computer Engineering (2017)
Coil spatial sensitivity map is considered as one of the most valuable data used in parallel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reconstruction. In this study, a novel sensitivity map extraction method is introduced for phased-array coils. Proposed technique uses Biot-Savart law with coil shape information and low-resolution phase image data to form sensitivity maps. The performance of this method has been tested in the parallel image reconstruction task using sensitivity encoding technique. In MRI, coil sensi...
SNR and total acquisition time analysis of multi-echo FLASH pulse sequence for current density imaging
Sadighi, Mehdi; Şişman, Mert; Eyüboğlu, Behçet Murat (2021-12-01)
Magnetic Resonance Current Density Imaging (MRCDI) is an imaging modality providing cross-sectionalcurrent densityðJ Þinformation inside the body. The clinical applicability of MRCDI is highly dependenton the sensitivity of the acquired noisy current-induced magnetic flux densityðB zÞdistributions.Here, a novel analysis is developed to investigate the combined effect of relevant parameters of the RFspoiled gradient echo (FLASH) pulse sequence on the SNR level and the total acquisition time (TAT) of theacqui...
Magnetohydrodynamic flow imaging of ionic solutions using electrical current injection and MR phase measurements
Eroglu, Hasan H.; Sadighi, Mehdi; Eyüboğlu, Behçet Murat (Elsevier BV, 2019-06-01)
In this study, a method is proposed to image magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of ionic solutions, which is caused by externally injected electrical current to an imaging media, during MRI scans. A multi-physics (MP) model is created by using the electrical current, laminar flow, and MR equations. The conventional spoiled gradient echo MRI pulse sequence with bipolar flow encoding gradients is utilized to encode the MHD flow. Using the MP model and the MRI pulse sequence, relationship between the MHD flow rela...
Citation Formats
M. OZILGEN and R. KAUTEN, “NMR ANALYSIS AND MODELING OF SHRINKAGE AND WHEY EXPULSION IN RENNET CURD,” PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY, pp. 373–379, 1994, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/65654.