Nonlinear optical properties of low temperature annealed silicon-rich oxide and silicon-rich nitride materials for silicon photonics

Minissale, S.
Yerci, Selçuk
Dal Negro, L.
We investigate the nonlinear optical properties of Si-rich silicon oxide (SRO) and Si-rich silicon nitride (SRN) samples as a function of silicon content, annealing temperature, and excitation wavelength. Using the Z-scan technique, we measure the non-linear refractive index n(2) and the nonlinear absorption coefficient beta for a large number of samples fabricated by reactive co-sputtering. Moreover, we characterize the nonlinear optical parameters of SRN in the broad spectral region 1100-1500 nm and show the strongest nonlinearity at 1500 nm. These results demonstrate the potential of the SRN matrix for the engineering of compact devices with enhanced Kerr nonlinearities for silicon photonics applications. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3675882]


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Citation Formats
S. Minissale, S. Yerci, and L. Dal Negro, “Nonlinear optical properties of low temperature annealed silicon-rich oxide and silicon-rich nitride materials for silicon photonics,” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, pp. 0–0, 2012, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: