Department of City and Regional Planning, Article

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Publication (313)

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Keskinok, Hüseyin Çağatay (34)
Akkar Ercan, Zübeyde Müge (29)
Balaban, Osman (27)
Peker, Ender (27)
Yetişkul Şenbil, Emine (24)

Geography, Planning and Development (24)
Urban Studies (18)
Architecture (11)
Urban regeneration (7)
Istanbul (6)

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1971 - 1979 (3)
1980 - 1999 (17)
2000 - 2019 (176)
2020 - 2024 (117)

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Journal Article (252)
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6 Şubat Afet Bölgesi Mevcut Durum Değerlendirmesi ve Gelişim Önerileri Raporu
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Şenol Balaban, Meltem (2024-08-01)
Morphology of brothels: An investigation of spatial censorship and stigmatization - the case of Adana, Turkey
İNCE, BÜŞRA; Çalışkan, Olgu (2024-07-01)
The fabric of the modern city is reproduced through standardized and sanitized spatial orders controlled by legal building codes and steered by inherited socio-spatial norms. In this context, marginal areas (i.e., slums, r...
Impacts of earthquake damage on commercial life: A RS and GIS based case study of Kahramanmaraş earthquakes
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Earthquakes have negative impacts on societies, both socially and economically, and can disrupt daily life in the affected region. The economic impact of earthquakes is typically analyzed by economists through material los...
The Relationship Between Urban Environment and Childhood Asthma: A Systematic Literature Review
Aydin, Neşe; Severcan, Yücel Can (2024-05-01)
This article aims to review the literature on the link between urban environment and childhood asthma with the outdoor air quality as the intervening variable. Our systematic literature review of 234 articles in Scopus, WO...
Emergency response, and community impact after February 6, 2023 Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık and Elbistan Earthquakes: reconnaissance findings and observations on affected region in Türkiye
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Türkiye has a long history of devastating earthquakes, and on February 6, 2023, the region experienced two major earthquakes with magnitudes of 7.7 and 7.6, striking Pazarcık and Elbistan, Kahramanmaraş, respectively, on t...
The experience of students in the Turkish private rented sector during the Covid-19 pandemic
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Challenges in Local Climate Action from Planning to Implementation: A Governance Model for Municipalities
Peker, Ender; Ataov, Anli (2024-01-01)
Local governments play a crucial role in local climate action planning, fostering the active involvement of relevant institutions and organizations in tackling local climate challenges. However, despite the preparation of ...
Assessing Earthquake-Induced Vulnerability of Critical Infrastructure in Kahramanmaraş Using Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Technologies
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This study employs advanced technologies, specifically remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS), to investigate the impact of earthquakes on critical infrastructure in Kahramanmaraş. Critical infrastruc...
Özcan Altaban'ın Anısına (1938 - 2024)
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Hermann Jansen Tarsus Planı, Korunan İzler ve Kentsel Süreklilikler
Belge, Züleyha Sara (ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi, 2024)
Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi’nde hazırladığı Ankara Planı ile tanınan Hermann Jansen, İzmit, Adana, Ceyhan, Tarsus, Mersin ve Gaziantep için de şehir planları hazırlamıştır (Ülkenli, 2017). Bu planlar üzerine, özellikle Ankara ...
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Local climate action: empowering municipalities on rainwater harvesting
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Water in Istanbul and beyond: past, present, future
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Balaban, Osman (2023-09-01)
Improving the quality of life and sustainability for middle-class mass housing perspectives from a stakeholder workshop
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This article presents and discusses the results of the Stakeholder Workshop (Co) Designing for Quality of Life: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities, which was held at Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara in...
Sürdürülebilir Kentler için Kolektif Eylem ve Demokratik Katılım İhtiyacı
Peker, Ender (2023-06-01)
Children's place experiences in high-rise mass housing in Ankara
Severcan, Yücel Can (2023-05-01)
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