Non-hydrostatic Modeling of Exchange Flows Across Complex Geometries

Ilicak, Mehmet
Oezgoekmen, Tamay M.
Oezsoy, Emin
Fischer, Paul F.
Flows between ocean and marginal sea basins are often connected by narrow channels and shallow sills. In this study, we address the effect of lateral and vertical geometric constrictions on mixing and hydraulic control. We conduct a set of numerical experiments of the lock-exchange problem in the presence of lateral and vertical contractions. Large eddy simulations (LES) are carried out using the high-order non-hydrostatic spectral element model Nek5000. A spanwise-averaged 2D non-hydrostatic model, denoted SAM, is also employed. Comparison between 2D and 3D models are conducted on the basis of the shape of the density interface and the time evolution of the background potential energy that quantifies the cumulative effects of the stratified mixing in the system.


Responses of the stratified flows to their driving conditions-A field study
YÜKSEL, Yalçın; AYAT AYDOĞAN, Berna; Ozturk, Mehmet Nuri; Aydogan, Burak; Güler, Işıkhan; Cevik, Esin Ozkan; Yalçıner, Ahmet Cevdet (2008-09-01)
The Bosphorus is oceanographically very complicated two-layer stratified strait where denser water from the Marmara Sea flows towards North under the lighter water which is frequently flowing from the Black Sea towards South. The water level difference between both ends of the Bosphorus varies seasonally within the range of -0.2 and 0.6 m. The seasonal variability depends mainly on the water level changes in the adjacent basins related to the hydrological cycle, short-term changes in the atmospheric pressur...
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Mediterranean water entering the Black Sea through the Bosphorus Strait forms middepth intrusions that contribute to the salt, heat, and volume balances of the sea, ventilate its water column at intermediate depths and restrain the upward flux of hydrogen sulfide from deeper layers. Despite the importance for the Black Sea environment, the circulation of Mediterranean-origin water in the basin is fundamentally underexplored. Here we use hydrographic data collected from ships and Argo profiling floats to ide...
Application of a three-dimensional numerical model to the idealized conditions of the bosphorus strait.
Sözer, Adil; Özsoy, Emin; Department of Marine Sciences (2002)
The Bosphorus Strait is a narrow and shallow channel between the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea which plays an important role in the Turkish Straits System connecting the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. The exchange flow through the Bosphorus Strait is principally determined by geometry and stratification, and exhibits a complex nonlinear response to forcing by the net water budget, pressure and wind setup effects in adjacent basins. This study aims for a better understanding of the behaviour of the ...
Solution of one dimensional transient flow in composite aquifers using stehfest algorithm
Bakar, Ürün; Önder, Halil; Department of Civil Engineering (2010)
In this study, piezometric heads in a composite aquifer composed of an alluvial deposit having a width adjacent to a semi-infinite fractured rock are determined. One dimensional transient flow induced by a constant discharge pumping rate from a stream intersecting alluvial part of the aquifer is considered. Parts of the aquifer are homogeneous andisotropic. Equations of flow, initial and boundary conditions are converted to dimensionless forms for graphical presentation and the interpretation of results ind...
Design of settling basins and related problems encountered in practice
Zaloğlu, Fatma Deniz; Göğüş, Mustafa; Department of Civil Engineering (2013)
Settling basins are the hydraulic structures used to get sediment-free water from rivers mostly for hydropower systems. Mainly fine sediment is trapped along the settling basins and from time to time the accumulated sediment in the settling basin is flushed away. A wrong design of a settling basin creates lots of problems. In this study based on the hydraulic analysis of a settling basin, the available settling basin design procedures in the literature were reviewed. Some of the settling basins constructed ...
Citation Formats
M. Ilicak, T. M. Oezgoekmen, E. Oezsoy, and P. F. Fischer, “Non-hydrostatic Modeling of Exchange Flows Across Complex Geometries,” OCEAN MODELLING, pp. 159–175, 2009, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: