Prime graphs of solvable groups

Ulvi , Muhammed İkbal
If $G$ is a finite group, its prime graph $Gamma_G$ is constructed as follows: the vertices are the primes dividing the order of $G$, two vertices $p$ and $q$ are joined by an edge if and only if $G$ contains an element of order $pq$. This thesis is mainly a survey that gives some important results on the prime graphs of solvable groups by presenting their proofs in full detail.


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We prove that a finite solvable group G admitting a Frobenius group FH of automorphisms of coprime order with kernel F and complement H such that [G, F] = G and C-CG(F) (h) = 1 for all nonidentity elements h is an element of H, is of nilpotent length equal to the nilpotent length of the subgroup of fixed points of H.
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Rank and Order of a Finite Group Admitting a Frobenius-Like Group of Automorphisms
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A finite group FH is said to be Frobenius-like if it has a nontrivial nilpotent normal subgroup F with a nontrivial complement H such that FH/[F,F] is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel F/[F,F]. Suppose that a finite group G admits a Frobenius-like group of automorphisms FH of coprime order with certain additional restrictions (which are satisfied, in particular, if either |FH| is odd or |H| = 2). In the case where G is a finite p-group such that G = [G, F] it is proved that the rank of G is bounded ab...
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Frobenius groups of automorphisms with almost fixed point free kernel
Ercan, Gülin (2019-03-01)
Let FH be a Frobenius group with kernel F and complement H, acting coprimely on the finite solvable group G by automorphisms. We prove that if C-G(H) is of Fitting length n then the index of the n-th Fitting subgroup F-n(G) in G is bounded in terms of vertical bar C-G(F)vertical bar and vertical bar F vertical bar. This generalizes a result of Khukhro and Makarenko [6] which handles the case n = 1.
Citation Formats
M. İ. Ulvi, “Prime graphs of solvable groups,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2020.