Securitization of fake news

Ergül, Mehmet Mert
This study argues that fake news is being transformed into a security issue. This transformation has or has the potential to have significant consequences in terms of human rights in Europe and beyond. This study also argues that perceptions of information, disinformation, news, and social media are changing in recent years, and these notions come to be widely accepted as security threats. Initially social media was perceived as a useful platform for obtaining and sharing information that helps the development of free speech and democracy. However, especially after the 2016 US presidential elections and the Brexit referendum, it is understood that social media platforms are also helping the spread of misinformation and it can be used to mislead and manipulate people. Once social media’s remarkable impact on the elections is understood, fake news and disinformation came to be perceived as a threat by many actors. These actors claim that disinformation and abusive usage of social media is threatening the economy, politics, and democracy. Presenting fake news as a security issue via securitization legitimizes strict proposals and acts which causes undermining of freedom of speech and censorship in media


Mock-documentary: questioning of factual discourse of documentary
Akoğlu, Özge; Çakmur, Barış; Ocak, Ersan; Department of Media and Cultural Studies (2010)
This study aims to examine the relation between mock-documentary and factual discourse of documentary. By factual discourse it is meant to documentary’s claim of representing reality. Within this respect, documentary has its own particular codes and conventions to construct its factual discourse. Mock-documentary, simulates these codes and conventions to create a fictional world. In this study, mock-documentary and its relationship with the most popular modes of documentary is examined. Within this study th...
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Yeni Medya Okuryazarlığında Kütüphanecilerin Rolleri
Ekici, Selda (Hiperlink eğit. ilet. yay. san. tic. ve ltd. sti., 2017-6-6)
Yeni medya okuryazarlığı bağlamında kütüphanecilerin değişen rolleri üzerine kavramsal bir çalışma yapmak amacıyla gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada, yeni medyanın teknik ve sosyo-kültürel özellikleri ile yeni medya okuryazarlığı çerçevesi, önemi ve yeni medya okuryazarı bireylerin özellikleri literatürden elde edilen bilgiler ışığında açıklanmıştır. Daha sonra kütüphanelerin ve kütüphanecilerin bu konuda değişen rolleri tartışılmıştır. Çalışmada kütüphanecilerin sahip oldukları uzmanlık bilgisi ile yeni medya ...
Putin and Virtu: Historicizing Machiavelli in twenty-first century Russian politics
Nigar, İbrahimova; Saurin, Julian; Political Science and International Relations (2013-6)
This study investigates how seemingly archaic political concepts may still be usefully applied in the analysis of current or recent politics. By identifying the importance of historicism in the history of political thought, this thesis examines the work and concepts of the Renaissance Florentine political thinker Niccolo Machiavelli. Focusing on his concept of virtú, and the related concept of fortuna, this thesis explains their use by Machiavelli and then elaborates these concepts against recent Russ...
Citation Formats
M. M. Ergül, “Securitization of fake news,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2020.