Herkes İçin İnternet



Evaluation of accessibility for all in public buildings: Konya case
Çubıkcı, Merve; Özdemir Sarı, Ö. Burcu.; Department of City and Regional Planning (2019)
Accessibility is one of the significant issues for contemporary societies. Since all people have equal rights to live in an accessible and barrier-free environment, there is a tendency to provide accessible and barrier-free environments which meet the needs of all people in the society. Although an accessible environment is usually considered only in relation to disabled people in literature review, this study examines accessible environments in terms of different user categories such as disabled, elderly, ...
Herkesin Kendisini Tasarımcı Gördüğü Bir Dünyada Tasarım ve Tasarımcı Olmak Üzerine
Yavuz, Cemil; Yalman Yıldırım, Zeynep (2015-06-26)
Gelecek için Sürdürülebilir Beslenme
Şahin, Elvan; Teksöz, Gaye (null; 2016-09-24)
Who interacts with whom?Individual and organizational aspects of university-industry interactions in nanotechnology: the turkish case
Beyhan Bozkırlıoğlu, Berna; Pamukcu, Mehmet Teoman; Department of Science and Technology Policy Studies (2011)
The main purpose of this study is to explore individual and organizational level factors which influence the formation of knowledge and technology transfer links between universities and firms. To this end, three sets of data are collected and analyzed. The first one includes bibliometric data of nanotechnology publications, which are authored by scientists affiliated with Turkish universities. The second one is collected through a questionnaire survey from university-scientists dealing with nanoscale resea...
A New service architecture for IPTV over internet
Özkardeş, Merve; Schmidt, Şenan Ece; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2013)
Multimedia applications over the Internet and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) gain a lot of attention. IPTV has a number of service requirements such as; high bandwidth, scalability, minimum delay, jitter and channel switch time. IP multicast, IMS (IP Multimedia System) Protocol and peer-to-peer approaches are proposed for implementing IPTV. However, IP multicast requires all the routers in the core network to possess multicast capability, IMS does not easily scale and P2P cannot e ciently utilize the n...
Citation Formats
K. Çağıltay, “Herkes İçin İnternet,” 00, 2009, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/70090.