Darwin ve Sonrası



Non-darcian flow through rockfills
Küreksiz, Özge; Önder, Halil; Department of Civil Engineering (2008)
An impermeable weir constructed across a stream prevents the longitudinal movement of aquatic life and transportation of physical and chemical substances in water, eventually having a negative impact on river environment. However, a rubble mound weir is considered environmentally friendly, since its permeability allows the streamwise migration of aquatic life. This thesis investigates the performance of this type of weir as a water use facility. The particular objective of the investigation is to study the ...
Performance prediction of darrieus type vertical axis wind turbines using numerical simulations
Gömeç, Fazıl Selçuk; Sert, Cüneyt; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2014)
Flow over Darrieus type straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) with NACA 0021 blade profile is simulated using ANSYS Fluent software. SST k- turbulence model is used for the two-dimensional, unsteady simulations. Wind speed is taken as 7 m/s and part of the problem domain including the rotating blades is modeled using the sliding mesh technique. Effects of boundary layer mesh parameters, time step and convergence tolerance on the solution accuracy are investigated with carefully designed runs. ...
Knotted solutions of maxwell equations
Altun, Salman Eren.; Sarıoğlu, Bahtiyar Özgür; Department of Physics (2019)
We review Rañada’s knotted solutions of Maxwell equations in this thesis. We explain the method behind these constructions and its relation to topology. The method starts with the null field assumption. We obtain the initial conditions of the electromagnetic field using the Hopf map. Then we find the time-dependent fields using Fourier transformation techniques. Finally, we analyze the properties of general torus knotted solutions and show that these also include the non-null fields.
Edmund Burke’de Yüce ve Jouissance, Lacancı bir okuma
Birlik, Nurten (Akdeniz University; 2018-05-18)
Burke’çü anlamda yüce, şiir kişisinin, doğada gördüğü tekil nesnelere odaklanıp bu nesnelerin arkasında yatan bütüncül metafizik yapının izlerini görebilme ya da doğada görülen nesneler aracılığıyla aşkınlığı deneyimleme çabası olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu deneyim aynı zamanda modernitede, ampirizm ve pozitivizm ile birlikte ortaya çıkan insan ve doğa kategorilerini epistemolojik bağlamda sorunsallaştırır çünkü ikisi arasında oluşmuş kopukluğu gidermeye hizmet eder. Bu bildiri odak noktası ...
The portrayal of universal harmony and order in Edmund Spenser’s Fowre Hymnes
Tekin, Burcu; Sönmez, Margaret Jeanne M.; Department of English Literature (2010)
This thesis analyses Edmund Spenser’s Fowre Hymnes in light of the holistic Renaissance world view and poet’s collection of various tradition of ideas. Spenser’s treatment of love is explored as the cosmic principle of harmony. Universal order is examined with an emphasis on the position of man in the ontological hierarchy. Thus, this thesis investigates Spenser’s own suggestions to imitate macrocosmic harmony and order in the microcosmic level.
Citation Formats
C. Temürcü, Darwin ve Sonrası. 2000.