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Different Strategies of Housing Design
Çakmaklı, Ayşem Berrin
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In a perfect human settlement - providing food, shelter, communications,employment, an efficient environment for the occupants’ better performance - allhuman needs are satisfied without significantly polluting or destroying the naturalenvironment. The depletion and degradation of natural resources and their effects,diseases, and disasters must be taken into consideration. This is a global problemso there must be cooperation. The contents of this book are based on the differentarchitectural strategies that aim to achieve a low-energy, healthy, and sustainablebuilt environment using the extensive experience of the authors, researchers, andscientists in architecture, planning, and construction.In addition to covering primer passive design principles in different climaticconditions through examples, the book devotes sections to different sustainabilitypoint of views: environmental, social, and economic. Determining the neededstrategy according to function, economy, and occupant comfort and affordability isthe crucial step. Creating a framework for designing and building sustainable anddurable structures is important in order to reduce carbon emissions and operationcosts. This book helps the reader achieve a sustainable development withoutdestruction of the resources while also growing a universal awareness of protectingthe living and non-living environment.The book contains an introductory chapter and four chapters authored by severalacademicians and researchers in the housing field. Within every chapter, the readerwill be given an overview of determined parameters on the subject and, in manycases, a description of the authors’ original proposed solution. The content of thebook is organized as follows:Chapter 1: Introductory Chapter: Healthy and Affordable HousingStrategiesThis chapter focuses on healthy housing due to the sustainable design strategiesnot having any harmful results on human and environmental health. This chaptershows that according to sustainability criteria, not only the environmentalresponsiveness but also social and economic responsiveness should be taken intoconsideration.Chapter 2: Effects of Street Geometry on Airflow Regimes for NaturalVentilation in Three Different Street Configurations in Enugu CityIn this chapter, efficient natural ventilation, according to the micro climateconditions of an urban environment, is analyzed. Two different regions(recirculation region and ventilated region) in an urban street have differentcharacteristics because of the flow and the street geometry. This chapter looks atthese regions of airflow cultivation in a high-density residential settlement in atropical African city as a case study.XIVChapter 3: Fundamentals of Natural Ventilation Design withinDwellingsThis chapter presents the parameters that are intricate to occupant satisfaction;such as acoustical, lighting, indoor air quality, and thermal comfort. These occupantphase issues are generally ignored by the designers and constructers. It is statedin this chapter that natural ventilation is an excellent alternative to achieve anadequate indoor environment in a sustainable manner.Chapter 4: Comprehensive Strategy for Sustainable Housing DesignSustainable housing strategies, maximizing occupants’ well-being, and minimizingthe environmental load are the main concern of this chapter. In order to create aframework for this phenomenon, the author(s) generated a sustainability checklistand design guidelines. The chapter also presents a comprehensive visualization inorder to adjust sustainable housing design to suit different and changing situations.Chapter 5: Social Innovation and Environmental Sustainability in SocialHousing Policies: Learning from Two Experimental Case Studies in ItalyThe chapter discusses approaches and solutions developed by social housing incontemporary cities, using two Italian case studies. By analyzing housing strategiesin a broader perspective in terms of its procedural dimension, the author(s)focus on two Italian social housing case studies. The important measures such astemporariness, flexibility, and the coordination are examined. The social, planning,architectural, and environmental quality of these two cases are represented.Chapter 6: Socioeconomic Influences on Affordable Housing Residents:Problem Definition and Possible SolutionsThe last chapter focuses on socioeconomic status (SES) as a powerful socialdeterminant of health. After defining affordable housing, the author(s) discuss thefuture developments to improve the long-term health outcomes of these individualsand families due to survey data and geographical analysis. At the end they proposesolutions to identify potential changes to affordable housing to promoteSumming up the issues presented in the book, it is directed at academic researchers,practitioners, and students in the housing and construction field. This book isthe result of many collaborating parties. I gratefully acknowledge the assistanceprovided by Gordon Tot and Ivan Butkovic, Author Service Managers, and thankall the authors who contributed to this volume.September 2019Dr. Aysem Berrin CakmakliMiddle East Technical University,Ankara, Turkey
Department of Architecture, Book / Book chapter
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Citation Formats
A. B. Çakmaklı,
Different Strategies of Housing Design
. 2019.