Conflict resolution and migrant families of Europe



Conflict resolution by negotiation
Erden, Mustafa Suphi; Leblebicioğlu, Kemal; Halıcı, Uğur (2002-01-01)
Copyright © 2002 IFAC.The increase in air traffic, forces the current centralized air traffic control systems to be replaced with more decentralized control systems. The idea of free flight is developed with this consideration. In free flight aircrafts communicate and cooperate with each other to solve the conflicts. Each aircraft has its own separate optimization criteria, and aircrafts have to modify their paths considering these criteria. There should be a compromise in the amount of concession that airc...
Crisis management and conflict resolution capacities of the European Union: the case of Cyprus conflict
Ünsaldı, Menekşe; Tayfur, Mehmet Fatih; Department of European Studies (2005)
With the end of Cold War international order entered into a period that is characterized by continuous crises and instability. Within this order European Union, like the rest of the world, felt the necessity of re-evaluating its policies since they realized that the current policies were not sufficient to meet the challenges of the new world order. As a consequence of this EU has been trying to develop its capabilities to conduct crisis management and conflict resolution. Besides, the EU intends to strength...
Conflict distress, conflict attributions and perceived conflict behaviors as predictors of relationship satisfaction
Eğeci, İlke Sine; Fışıloğlu, Hürol; Department of Psychology (2005)
The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship among conflict distress, conflict attributions (self/partner blame), perceived conflict behaviors (similarity/difference) and relationship satisfaction. Relationship Conflict Inventory (RCI), Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS), Conflict Behaviors Questionnaire and Demographic Information Form was administered to 58 dating couples. In order to investigate the predictive power of conflict distress level, conflict attributions (self/partner blame), perceived ...
Terrorism and the Israeli-palestinian peace process
Öztürk, Tuğçe; Tür Küçükkaya, Özlem; Department of Middle East Studies (2010)
This thesis analyzes the issue of terrorism regarding the Palestinian-Israeli Peace Process. The role of two sides on the ongoing violence and terrorism will be discussed comparatively. Focusing on the Peace Process, the thesis will trace whether terrorist activities had an impact on the collapse of the Peace Process and also will demonstrate how a peace process produced an Israeli state more militarized and a Palestinian society more radicalized and religious than ever before.
Crisis Management and Terrorism
Sutalan, Zeynep (2011-05-27)
Today it seems that we are living in an age of crises rather than war. Changes in the security paradigm with the end of Cold War, as well as globalization, have diminished the likelihood of conventional wars. With the growing unpredictability and complexity of security challenges, 'crisis' has become an umbrella concept that is used for any significant event, be it national or international - be it economic, political, military, social or natural, with potentially severe consequences that require prompt act...
Citation Formats
Z. Sümer, “Conflict resolution and migrant families of Europe,” 1991, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: