The role of gene flow in shaping genetic diversity structure of the domesticated and natural Populus nigra populations in Turkey

Çiftci, Asiye
Kaya, Zeki
Plant Biology Europe EPSO/FESPB 2016 Congress


The role of submerged macrophytes in stabilising water clarity and the migration pattern of dominant zooplankton in Lake Eymir, Turkey
Sillah, Mohamed; Beklioğlu, Meryem; Department of Biology (2002)
In this study, samplings within macrophyte beds and open water stations to determine the role of submerged macrophytes in stabilising water clarity and the migration pattern of dominant zooplankton from different habitats in Lake Eymir were carried out. The concentrations of nutrients and suspended solids (SS) were lower within the macrophyte beds than in the open water, while the water clarity was higher within the macrophyte beds than in the open water. The macrophyte beds stabilised the water clarity by ...
The Role of hydraulic loading and nutrients in the ecology of mediterranean shallow lakes
Coppens, Jan Emma Pieter; Beklioğlu, Meryem; Jeppesen, Erik; Department of Biology (2016)
In this Ph.D.-research three approaches were used to study the relationship between external nutrient loading, hydraulic loading and in-lake nutrient processes in shallow lakes under different climate conditions: a space-for-time mesocosm experiment on a climate gradient across Europe; time series analysis of long-term water and nutrient budgets of Lakes Eymir and Mogan; a combination of catchment and lake modelling of Lake Mogan under the projected climate conditions for 2020-2090. The mesocosm experiments...
Kentsel Dokuların Dolaşım Sistemlerinin İşleyişindeki Rolü
Zorlu, Fikret (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2008)
Ulaşım planlaması ve kentsel tasarım yazınında kentsel dokuların tasarımı, oluşumu ve özellikleri konusunda yaygın çalışmalar bulunmasına rağmen, yol ağlarının kentsel trafiğin işleyişi üzerindeki etkilerini inceleyen az sayıda çalışma vardır (1). Bu çalışmada kentsel dokular ile ulaşım sistemleri arasındaki ilişki irdelenmektedir. Bunun için kentsel tasarım yazınında tanımlanmış bazı temel dokulardan yola çıkılarak kavramsal yol ağları oluşturulmakta ve bu yol ağlarının öngörülen bazı yolculuk istem...
The relationship between genetic and shape variation in endemic and endangered freshwater fish species pseudophoxinus
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Evolutionary models addressing interaction between genetics and morphology propose that during development, morphological traits of organisms are under canalization selection resulting in constancy in morphology through evolutionary time. The hypothesis of genetic homeostasis predict that because of developmental buffering effects of heterosis, high level heterozygosity results in low level of morphological variance from the norms of canalized shape of the population. The aim of the present study is to test...
The role of process configuration in the performance of anaerobic systems
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Many studies on biological systems have been conducted. These studies have demonstrated that subtle differences in process configuration such as phasing, staging, biofilms, granules, gas phase management, and combinations thereof can profoundly impact anaerobic process performance. Possible reasons for these differences as well as examples of various studies are presented. (C) 1997 IAWQ. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Citation Formats
A. Çiftci and Z. Kaya, “The role of gene flow in shaping genetic diversity structure of the domesticated and natural Populus nigra populations in Turkey,” presented at the Plant Biology Europe EPSO/FESPB 2016 Congress, Prag, Çekya, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: