Modeling the Relationship between Website Effectiveness and Service Quality: A Study of State Level Human Services Agencies

Welch, Eric
Pandey, Sanjey
Yavuz, Nilay


Welch, Eric W.; Pandey, Sanjay K.; Yavuz, Nilay (2010-01-01)
Although effective public agency Web sites are expected to contribute positively to public service quality outcomes, the underlying etiology is not simple and needs to take into account additional factors both from within and outside the organization. Exploration of this relationship must begin with a more nuanced understanding of Web-site effectiveness than the ones employed in the extant literature. Therefore, to examine the relationship between Web-site effectiveness and public service quality, this chap...
Modeling the Transparency of Local Government Websites A Comparison of Managerial Perceptions with the Actual Website Content
Yavuz, Nilay (null; 2014-04-12)
Modeling the dynamics of creative industries : the case of film industries
Oruç, Sercan; Azizoğlu, Meral; Department of Industrial Engineering (2010)
Dynamic complexity occurs in every social structure. Film industry, as a type of creative industries, constitutes a dynamic environment where uncertainty is at high levels. This complexity of the environment renders the more traditional operations research models somewhat ineffective, and thus, requires a dynamic analysis. In this study, a model showing the dynamics of film exhibition is given. The interactions within and between the theatrical and the DVD sales channels are implemented by the model. Later ...
Modeling walking behavior in cities based on street network and land-use characteristics: the case of İstanbul
Özbil, Ayşe (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2013-12-1)
Modeling Persistence Characteristics of Primary Energy Consumption from Renewable and Clean Resources: Considering Asymmetries and Structural Breaks
Tanrıverdi, Saliha; Yıldırım Kasap, Dilem (2022-10-17)
This study aims to analyze the persistence characteristics of share of renewables and clean energy (nuclear and renewables) in primary energy consumption for 5 countries, Austria, Brazil, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden over the period 1950-2020. The list of countries is selected based on their high level of primary energy consumption from renewables by 2020. We consider the importance of true specification of the deterministic components to better analyze the persistence properties. Changes in regulato...
Citation Formats
E. Welch, S. Pandey, and N. Yavuz, Modeling the Relationship between Website Effectiveness and Service Quality: A Study of State Level Human Services Agencies. 2010, p. 279.