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Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in the Marmara Region and Disaster Education in Turkey
Kaneda, Yoshiyuki
Özener, Haluk
Meral Özel, Nurcan
Kalafat, Doğan
Çitak, Seçkin
Takane, Hori
Mueno, Hori
Pınar, Ali
Özel, Asım Oğuz
Yalçıner, Ahmet Cevdet
Tanırcan, Gülüm
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There have been many destructive earthquakes and tsunamis in the world.The recent events are, 2011 East Japan Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan, 2015 Nepal Earthquake and 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake in Japan, and so on. And very recently a destructive earthquake occurred in Central Italy. In Turkey, the 1999 Izmit Earthquake as the destructive earthquake occurred along the North Anatolian Fault (NAF). The NAF crosses the Sea of Marmara and the only “seismic gap” remains beneath the Sea of Marmara. Istanbul with high population similar to Tokyo in Japan, is located around the Sea of Marmara where fatal damages expected to be generated as compound damages including Tsunami and liquefaction, when the next destructive Marmara Earthquake occurs. The seismic risk of Istanbul seems to be under the similar risk condition as Tokyo in case of Nankai Trough earthquake and metropolitan earthquake. It was considered that Japanese and Turkish researchers can share their own experiences during past damaging earthquakes and can prepare for the future large earthquakes in cooperation with each other. Therefore,İn 2013 the two countries, Japan and Turkey made an agreement to start a multidisciplinary research project, MarDiM SATREPS. The Project runs researches to aim to raise the preparedness for possible large-scale earthquake and Tsunami disasters in Marmara Region and it has four research groups with the following goals. 1) The first one is Marmara Earthquake Source region observational research group. This group has 4 sub-groups such as Seismicity, Geodesy, Electromagnetics and Trench analyses. Preliminary results such as seismicity and crustal deformation on the sea floor in Sea of Marmara have already achieved. 2) The second group focuses on scenario researches of earthquake occurrence along the North Anatolia Fault and precise tsunami simulation in the Marmara region. Research results from this group are to be the model of earthquake occurrence scenario in Sea of Marmara and the case studies with advanced tsunami simulation for measure cities. 3) Aims of the third group are improvements and constructions of seismic characterizations and damage predictions based on observation researches and precise simulations. Research results from this group will be very important for disaster measures. 4) The fourth group is promoting disaster educations using research result visuals. The mission of this group is very important for information dissemination and practical and effective disaster education in Turkey. The research results from all components will be integrated and utilized for disaster mitigation in Marmara region and disaster education in Turkey. Updated research results of the MarDiM SATREPS Project will be officially presented toward the end of the Project period, which is March 2018.
Department of Civil Engineering, Conference / Seminar
Earthquake and tsunami disaster mitigation in the Marmara Region and disaster education in Turkey part 3
Kaneda, Yoshıyukı; Özener, Haluk; Meral Özel, Nurcan; Kalafat, Doğan; Çitak, Seçkin Özgür; Takahashi, Narumi; Hori, Takane; Hori, Muneo; Sakamoto, Mayumi; Pınar, Ali; Özel, Asım Oğuz; Yalçıner, Ahmet Cevdet; Tanırcan, Gülüm; Demirtaş, Ahmet (2017-04-28)
There have been many destructive earthquakes and tsunamis in the world.The recent events are, 2011 East Japan Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan, 2015 Nepal Earthquake and 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake in Japan, and so on. And very recently a destructive earthquake occurred in Central Italy. In Turkey, the 1999 Izmit Earthquake as the destructive earthquake occurred along the North Anatolian Fault (NAF). The NAF crosses the Sea of Marmara and the only “seismic gap” remains beneath the Sea of Marmara. Istanbul with high...
Earthquake generation cycles and tsunami simulations providing possible scenarios for Turkey Marmara sea and Japan Nankai trough and Japan trench
Horı, Takane; Yalçıner, Ahmet Cevdet; Meral Özel, Nurcan; Kılıç, İrfan; Miyazaki, Shinichi; Hyodo, Mamoru (null; 2015-04-12)
In order to obtain comprehensive earthquake and tsunami scenarios for disaster assessment, numerical simulations of earthquake generation cycles and resultant tsunami generations have been performed in Japan. The occurrence of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake has realized us the necessity to consider all the possible scenarios without preconceptions. We have performed large-scale numerical simulations using Earth Simulator and K-computer for earthquake generation cycles along the Nankai trough, southwest Japan, w...
Tsunamis bridging science engineering and society
Kanoğlu, Utku; Bernard, Eddıe; Synolakıs, Costas (null; 2015-06-22)
There have been significant advances in tsunami science since the devastating 2004 Boxing Day tsunami. Yet, the 2011 Japan tsunami dramatically demonstrated that tsunamis continue to avoidably take lives and cause significant damage. Broadcasted live to a stunned world audience, the trail of destruction in 2011 in probably most tsunami ready nation underscores the difficulties of implementing practical advances in hazard mitigation. The Philosophical Transactions A theme issue entitled ‘Tsunamis: Bridging ...
Lessons Learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami: Performance of Tsunami Countermeasures, Coastal Buildings, and Tsunami Evacuation in Japan
Suppasri, Anawat; Shuto, Nobuo; Imamura, Fumihiko; Koshimura, Shunichi; Mas, Erick; Yalçıner, Ahmet Cevdet (2013-06-01)
In 2011, Japan was hit by a tsunami that was generated by the greatest earthquake in its history. The first tsunami warning was announced 3 min after the earthquake, as is normal, but failed to estimate the actual tsunami height. Most of the structural countermeasures were not designed for the huge tsunami that was generated by the magnitude M = 9.0 earthquake; as a result, many were destroyed and did not stop the tsunami. These structures included breakwaters, seawalls, water gates, and control forests. In...
Seismic risk assessment of gravity load designed reinforced concrete frames subjected to mid-America ground motions
Çelik, Ozan Cem (American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2009-03-24)
The infrequent nature of earthquakes in the Central and Eastern United States (CEUS), and the fact that none with intensity comparable to the New Madrid sequence of 1811-12 has occurred in the past century, have caused the earthquake hazard in the CEUS to be neglected until quite recently. The performance of reinforced concrete (RC) frames in the CEUS may be deficient if they are subjected to earthquakes that are believed to be plausible in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). This study presents a set of pr...
Citation Formats
Y. Kaneda et al., “Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in the Marmara Region and Disaster Education in Turkey,” 2018, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: