Pragmatic transfer in L3 English effects of bilingualism on realizations of apologies



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Probabilistic learning of Turkish morphosemantics by latent syntax
Üstün, Ahmet; Bozşahin, Hüseyin Cem; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2017)
The language processing capability of humans is highly dependent on the transparent interface between syntax and semantics which is formalized as the grammar. Morphology also interferes with this interface, in languages having rich morphology such as Turkish. This thesis aims to discover word semantics in Turkish from the compositional morphosemantics by underlying latent syntax. A computational model has been developed to learn a morpheme lexicon in which each morpheme contains semantic information in logi...
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Citation Formats
T. Karayayla and S. Ç. Sağın Şimşek, “Pragmatic transfer in L3 English effects of bilingualism on realizations of apologies,” 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: