Perceptual learning style preferences of second language learners


Perceptual span in Turkish reading: a study on parafoveal information intake
Ormanoğlu, Zuhal; Acartürk, Cengiz; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2017)
Perceptual span is the visual region where useful information can be collected at one fixation. This thesis investigates the size of the perceptual span of Turkish readers. Rayner (1975) found that the size of the perceptual span for English readers is about 14-15 characters to the right and 3-4 characters to the left of fixation. However, different characteristics of languages affect the size of the perceptual span. Being an agglutinative language and having shallow orthography are two features of Turkish ...
Perceptual Span in Turkish Reading: A Study on Parafoveal Information Intake
Ormanoğlu, Zuhal; Acartürk, Cengiz; Özkan, Ayşegül; Kılıç, Özkan; Bozkurt, Tuğçe Nur (null; 2018-05-06)
Perceptual integration for qualitatively different 3-D cues in the human brain.
Dövencioğlu, Nahide Dicle; Schofield, AJ; Welchman, AE (MIT Press - Journals, 2013-09-01)
The visual systemʼs flexibility in estimating depth is remarkable: We readily perceive 3-D structure under diverse conditions from the seemingly random dots of a “magic eye” stereogram to the aesthetically beautiful, but obviously flat, canvasses of the Old Masters. Yet, 3-D perception is often enhanced when different cues specify the same depth. This perceptual process is understood as Bayesian inference that improves sensory estimates. Despite considerable behavioral support for this theory, insights into...
Perceptual learning for second-order cues in a shape-from-shading task
Dövencioğlu, Nahide Dicle; Welchman, A. E. (2010-01-01)
Perceptual learning of second order cues for layer decomposition.
Dövencioğlu, Nahide Dicle; Schofield, AJ (2013-01-25)
Luminance variations are ambiguous: they can signal changes in surface reflectance or changes in illumination. Layer decomposition the process of distinguishing between reflectance and illumination changes is supported by a range of secondary cues including colour and texture. For an illuminated corrugated, textured surface the shading pattern comprises modulations of luminance (first order, LM) and local luminance amplitude (second-order, AM). The phase relationship between these two signals enables layer ...
Citation Formats
Ç. Hatipoğlu, “Perceptual learning style preferences of second language learners,” Türkiye, 2000, vol. 2, p. 55, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: