An Interactive Approach for Product and Process Design Parameter Optimization under Model Uncertainty

Özateş, Melis
Köksal, Gülser
Köksalan, Mustafa Murat
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017, 22 - 25 Ekim 2017


An Interactive Approach for Two Response Product and Process Design Parameter Optimization
Özateş, Melis; Köksal, Gülser; Köksalan, Mustafa Murat (null; 2015-08-03)
An interactive approach for multi-criteria sorting problems
Keser, Burak; Köksalan, Murat; Department of Industrial Engineering (2005)
This study is concerned with a sorting problem; the placement of alternatives into preference classes in the existence of multiple criteria. An interactive model is developed to address the problem, assuming that the decision maker has an underlying utility function which is linear. A recent methodology, Even-Swaps, which is based on value tradeoff is utilized in the model for both making an estimation of the underlying utility function and generating possible dominance among the alternatives on which it is...
An interactive approach for Bi-attribute multi-item auctions
Karakaya, Gülşah (2016-10-01)
The advances in the technological infrastructure and in the Internet led electronic auctions to become popular. With online sites, people buy/sell inexpensive products/services through auctions. In this paper, we develop an interactive approach that provides aid to both the buyer and the bidders in a bi-attribute, multi-item auction environment. Our approach is applicable for both reverse and forward auctions. We test our approach for underlying linear preference functions of the buyer. We also adapt it as ...
An approach for decentralized process modeling
Turetken, Oktay; Demirörs, Onur (2007-05-20)
This paper describes a method for organizations to perform process modeling in a decentralized and concurrent manner. The approach is based on the idea that modeling organizations' processes can be performed by individuals actually performing the processes. Instead of having a central and devoted group of people to analyze, understand, model and improve processes, real performers are held responsible to model and improve their own processes concurrently. The paper also summarizes the lessons learned by appl...
Citation Formats
M. Özateş, G. Köksal, and M. M. Köksalan, “An Interactive Approach for Product and Process Design Parameter Optimization under Model Uncertainty,” presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017, 22 - 25 Ekim 2017, Ottawa/KANADA, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: