State Symbols and National Identity Construction in Kazakhstan

Die Reihe Istanbuler Texte und Studien (ITS) ist eine Buchreihe des Orient-Instituts Istanbul. Das Institut ist ein turkologisches und regional-wissenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut im Verbund der Max Weber Stiftung. In enger Kooperation mit turkischen und internationalen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern widmet es sich einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Forschungsgebiete. Ausserdem ist das Orient-Institut Istanbul aktiv auf dem Gebiet des wissenschaftlichen Austausches zwischen Deutschland und der Turkei. Der 8. Band dieser Reihe beinhaltet: "The Past as Resource in the Turkic Speaking World".


State Heteromasculinism and Feminist/Queer Interjections in 2013 Protests in Turkey
İbrahimhakkıoğlu, Fulden (2014-09-11)
State intervention in Turkey: an assessment of the relationship between the political and the economic spheres
Güney, Atilla; Kaya, Raşit; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2002)
This thesis examines the nature of the relationship between the political and economic spheres in Turkey in the context of critical political theory. In addition to the historical analysis of the issue of state intervention, the thesis tries to offer a new framework for explaining the mediation between the crisis and the restructuring of the politics-economy relation through the evaluation of alleged transformation of the 1980s in Turkey. In this context, the conception of the reformulation of this relation...
Geç Osmanlı Anadolusu’nda devlet memurları ve kamusal düzen bozukluğu
Boyar, Ebru (2018-12-10)
20. yüzyıl başı Anadolu’su hakkındaki roman, hikaye, anı ve gazete metinleri gibi anlatılarda Anadolu’nun içinde bulunduğu yoksulluk, hastalık ve geri kalmışlık sarmalına kamusal düzendeki bozukluk da ilave edilir. Bu bildiride bu anlatılarda ortaya konulan kamusal düzen bozukluğunun yaratılması ve sürdürülmesinde devletin rolü tartışılacaktır. Anadolu’nun Ladik, Bünyan ve Ünye gibi farklı kasabaları hakkında derlenen Osmanlı arşiv belgelerine dayanılarak, başkentin toplumsal ve siyasal kamusal düzenini kor...
State-Business Relations in Azerbaijan through the Eyes of the Turkish Businesspeople
Bedirhanoğlu Toker, Pınar (Routledge, 2016-01-01)
State Estimation and Control for Low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Söken, Halil Ersin (Springer, London/Berlin , 2015-04-01)
This book discusses state estimation and control procedures for a low-cost unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The authors consider the use of robust adaptive Kalman filter algorithms and demonstrate their advantages over the optimal Kalman filter in the context of the difficult and varied environments in which UAVs may be employed. Fault detection and isolation (FDI) and data fusion for UAV air-data systems are also investigated, and control algorithms, including the classical, optimal, and fuzzy ...
Citation Formats
A. Aydıngün, State Symbols and National Identity Construction in Kazakhstan. 2008, p. 158.