Referring expressions in communication through line graphs A comparative analysis of verbal descriptions



Similarity judgments of same-category object representations: Effects of physical size, manipulability, and word frequency
Dumitru, Magda L.; Joergensen, Gitte H. (2015-08-09)
Studies of object similarity have focused on the relationship between different physical objects and their mental representations or between instances of the same physical object and its mental representation. The present study is the first to investigate the structure of within-category psychological space. We provided evidence that large objects and frequently mentioned objects are perceived as less similar to each other compared to small objects or less frequently mentioned objects. Further, similarity j...
Referential form, word order and emotional valence in Turkish pronoun resolution in physical contact events
Özge, Duygu (De Gruyter Mouton, 2020-01-01)
This study investigates the effect of information structure (revealed in SOV versus OSV orders), the type of anaphoric expression (zero versus overt pro-nouns), and the verb valence (positive valence versus negative valence) on the interpretation of ambiguous pronouns in Turkish physical contact action verbs. Turkish speaking adult participants were asked to determine the reference for a nonsense adjectival predicate in an utterance with an action verb and two clauses connect...
Leisure constraints and negotiation strategies in tourism recreation: a comperative research with different cultures
Tek, Tolga; Koçak, Mehmet Settar; Department of Physical Education and Sports (2018)
The main problem of this study was to describe perceived constraints encountered and negotiation strategies utilized by foreign tourists in a recreational sport setting in different regions of Turkey. Moreover, discreteness in negotiation was examined according to gender, participation, the level and type of perceived constraint encountered. A questionnaire was conducted to a sample of randomly selected foreign tourists in different regions from Turkey. The modification study of Leisure Constraints Question...
Reflective judgment and argumentation skills of preservice teachers in a socioscientific issues based laboratory inquiry course
Yılmaz Tüzün, Özgül (2015-04-14)
Generating functions and their applications
Bilgin, Begül; Doğanaksoy, Ali; Department of Cryptography (2010)
Generating functions are important tools that are used in many areas of mathematics and especially statistics. Besides analyzing the general structure of sequences and their asymptotic behavior; these functions, which can be roughly thought as the transformation of sequences into functions, are also used effciently to solve combinatorial problems. In this thesis, the effects of the transformations of generating functions on their corresponding sequences and the effects of the change in sequences on the gene...
Citation Formats
C. Acartürk, “Referring expressions in communication through line graphs A comparative analysis of verbal descriptions,” 2015, p. 306, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: