Sokaklar Meydanlar

Kentsel Boşluğun Dili; Uluslararası Yapı Yaşam Kongresi, 2015


Becoming a man on the streets: an ethnographic study of joyrider communities of Ankara
Aktürk, Sarper Erinç; Bodirsky, Katharina; Department of Social Anthropology (2016)
Based on ethnographic research of eleven months in Ankara, this study examines the car customization and use of customized cars by poor urban young men which play a central role in the construction of their masculine identities. Given that the relationships between things and masculine identities have not received much attention, the dialogical construction of masculine identities and masculine automobiles were the subject of inquiry. The mobility of the automobile is discussed as the primary force that sha...
The Role of sociocultural practices in the transformation and re-structuring of streets: a case study of bağdat street in İstanbul
Lotfata, Aynaz; Ataöv Demirkan, Anlı; Tekeli, İlhan; Department of City and Regional Planning (2014)
Urban space, as a sociocultural phenomenon, is (re)constructed as a result of changes in the contextual attributes, from global to local scales. Contemporary urban spaces are involved in inter- disciplinary development and transformation aimed at creating a living, resistant and inclusive place. The large Turkish cities should take advantage of the inter-disciplinary development with the increasing complexity of socio-economic and spatial relations. This study hypothesizes that the sociocultural reality of ...
Investigation of streets as ‘learning landscapes’ for children: the cases of Ankara
Kalkanlı, Duygu; Severcan, Yücel Can; Barlas, Mehmet Adnan; Urban Design in City and Regional Planning Department (2019)
Environmental impact on the physical and social development of children is significant enough to be underestimated. At the same time, children represent a large group within the urban population. However, especially in the cities of developing countries such as Turkey, physical space is designed by primarily considering the interests of adults. Besides, unhealthy and insecure conditions in the cities severely restrict the children's freedom of individual movement in the open space and even the use of the st...
Revitalization of Cultural Values in Urban Landscape through Street Trees Design
Tafahomi, Rahman (Middle East Technical University Faculty of Architecture, 2022-6)
This research aims to revive the cultural values through the landscape design in a historic site located in northeast Iran with an arid climate. The area of study has undergone a physical transformation, in particular, the reconstruction of the main street has been detrimental to old trees along the central path, which has resulted in changing landscape and character of the area. The research methodology was based on qualitative techniques consisting of structured observation, photography, sketching, and gr...
Gender, Sexuality and Architectural History, Proceedings, Spaces/Times/Peoples: International Ph.D. Research Symposium
Özkaya, Ayşe Belgin; Güner, Havva Gizem (ODTÜ Basım İşliği, 2020-12-01)
Citation Formats
G. A. Sargın, “Sokaklar Meydanlar,” presented at the Kentsel Boşluğun Dili; Uluslararası Yapı Yaşam Kongresi, 2015, Bursa, Türkiye, 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: