Le Corbusier in Turkey: From the Voyage d’Orient to the Master PlanProposal for Izmir on the Theme of a Green City



Le Corbusier in Turkey From the Voyage d Orient to the Master Plan Proposal for Izmir on the Theme of a Green City
Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ (2014-12-13)
Les Transformations d Istanbul Henri Prost s Planning of Istanbul 1936 1951
Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ (2011-01-01)
Henri Prost, who was one of the founders of town planning in France, was invited to prepare the master plan of Istanbul by the Turkish government in 1935. He conducted the planning of the historic capital and the most populous city of Turkey from 1936 to 1951. Although Prost has been renowned particularly with his conservative attitude toward the cultural heritage and the assets of the natural landscape, curiously he adopted a highly interventionist planning approach ...
Les Machines de l’île Nantes: Recreating the Industrial Past through Steampunk Aesthetic
Tükenmez, Başak (2021-02-14)
Les Transformations d Istanbul Transformations of Istanbul by Henri Prost
Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ (null; 2010-07-15)
Bruno Taut And The Program For The Protection Of Monuments In Turkey (1937-38)/ Three Case Studies: Ankara, Edi̇rne And Bursa
Gasko, Giorgio (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2010)
In 1933 the Ministry of Education set up a program for the protection of Turkish monuments that marks the beginning in the country of restoration works characterized by a scientific and systematic approach (1). Right at the beginning of the operative phase of the program, the German architect Bruno Taut was officially asked by the Ministry to give his professional opinion in three different episodes: the restoration of Mahmut Paşa Bedesteni in Ankara, the monitoring phase to evaluate the condition of ...
Citation Formats
F. C. Bilsel, Le Corbusier in Turkey: From the Voyage d’Orient to the Master PlanProposal for Izmir on the Theme of a Green City. 2015, p. 64.