Drilling and Blasting in Coal Mining



Drilling and Blasting Technology of Modern Mines
Erkayaoğlu, Mustafa (null; 2015-11-20)
Drilling of gas hydrate reservoirs
Merey, Sukru (2016-09-01)
With the consumption of conventional hydrocarbon reserves and advancement in drilling technology, recently there is a high interest in gas hydrates in the world. Due to lack of experience and sensitive nature of gas hydrates, drilling in gas hydrate reservoirs were considered as risky. However, recent drilling data in gas hydrates shows that successful drilling operations in gas hydrate reservoirs are possible with some special measurements such as specially designed drilling fluid and cement slurry etc. In...
Extraction studies on Payas Bauxitic iron ore.
Onur, Ali Ergun; Department of Metallurgical Engineering (1972)
Extraction of copper and cobalt from Küre copper slags.
Denizci, Umur; Department of Metallurgical Engineering (1972)
Extraction of copper from Kure copper slags by flotation.
Talu, Erdinç; Department of Metallurgical Engineering (1974)
Citation Formats
C. Karpuz, Drilling and Blasting in Coal Mining. 2016.