Elmalı-Gömbe ve Aksu havzalarının Miyosen yaşlı çökellerinin paleobatimetrik evrimi (Türkiye)

Şiş, Fatih Seçkin
Kouwenhoven, Tan
Kaymakcı, Nuretdin
Koç, Ayten


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Bengü, Emre; Rojay, Fuat Bora; Department of Geological Engineering (2017)
The thesis addresses the post-Paleogene tectonic evolution of the Bartın-UlusSafranbolu basins in Western Pontides. The study area is bounded by Black Sea from north, Sünnice Massif from west, Kargı Massif from east, and by Cretaceous ophiolitic mélanges and the North Anatolian Fault from south. These basins are separated from each other by the two main faults, namely, Bartın and Karabük faults. Four structural domains are defined, based on lithostratigraphic differences and bounding major faults, to figure...
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Beşer, Elif; Uzun, Ali; Department of Archaeometry (2009)
The archaeological questions of historical glass have lead to remarkable research activities such as identification and sourcing the raw materials used in the glass production, investigations of the ways in which the colors of glass can be modified due to dissolved and/or colloidal coloring agents, the furnace conditions, and the time of fritting and melting. Considering publications, it can be suggested that compositional studies of well-dated glass samples have supplied useful information concerning raw m...
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Citation Formats
F. S. Şiş, T. Kouwenhoven, N. Kaymakcı, and A. Koç, “Elmalı-Gömbe ve Aksu havzalarının Miyosen yaşlı çökellerinin paleobatimetrik evrimi (Türkiye),” 2018, vol. 1, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/73967.