The interaction of syntax and discourse in word order variability: Data from Turkish.

Dilbilim ve Uygulamaları


The Effects of cross-morphemic letter transpositions on morphological processing in turkish: a psycholinguistic investigation
Çağlar, Ozan Can; Kırkıcı, Bilal; Department of English Language Teaching (2019)
This study investigates whether Turkish native speakers have access to semantic information in the course of morphological decomposition at the early stages of visual word recognition. Two masked priming experiments were conducted to test the effects of semantic transparency on the recognition of target words. The main prime conditions of the study were the following: (a) semantically transparent (e.g., çizim-ÇİZ, Eng. drawing-DRAW), (b) semantically opaque (e.g., tuzak-TUZ; Eng. trap-SALT), and (c) form ov...
The Role Of Morphology in The Processing Of English-Turkish False Cognates: Evidence From A Backward Lexical Translation Task
Kırkıcı, Bilal; Ataman, Esra (2017-06-24)
False cognates are lexical items that display overlapping orthographic and/or phonological properties in two languages but little or no semantic similarity. Studies investigating the processing of false cognates have predominantly disregarded the effect of morphology (cf. Janke & Kolokonte, 2015). Additionally, studies on the processing of (false) cognates have almost exclusively dwelt on typologically-related language pairs like English-Italian and English-German, disregarding the processing of (false) cog...
The Effects of Mathematics on Programming Skills and its Retention: An Experimental Study
Tokel, Saniye Tuğba (2021-07-01)
The Effects of Mathematics on Programming Skills and its Retention: An Experimental Study
Altın, Rukiye; Tokel, Saniye Tuğba; Delialioğlu, Ömer (2021-10-01)
The focus on Computer Science Education at the K-12 level has been increasingly highlighted due to today’s need for a populace with computational thinking skills, in addition to the expansion of careers related to computing and computer science. Programming helps facilitate students’ examination of the nature of a problem and helps students to increase their computational thinking, problem-solving and higher-order thinking skills through the combination of multiple disciplines in areas such as science, the ...
The processing of morphologically complex words by developing readers of Turkish: a masked priming study
Oğuz, Enis; Kırkıcı, Bilal (2022-11-01)
The processing of morphologically complex words has been studied in many languages, leading to a variety of theoretical accounts. Prime type, individual differences, and cross-linguistic effects have emerged as potential factors in morphological processing, but the findings so far have been inconclusive, especially for young children. This study investigated the early stages of morphological processing in Turkish-speaking children using the visual masked priming paradigm. We used different prime conditions ...