Preliminary study on the applicability of semi-geodesic winding in the design and manufacturing of composite towers



Classical Aeroelastic Stability Analysis of Large Composite Wind Turbine Blades
Farsadi, Touraj; Kayran, Altan (2016-01-04)
To achieve higher energy production bigger wind turbine systems with very long blades are increasingly used in the wind turbine industry. As the length of the wind turbine blades is increased, blades become more flexible in bending and torsion. Increased bending and torsional flexibility of long wind turbine blades may cause torsional divergence and flapwise bending-torsion flutter at high speeds. Therefore, it is important that aeroelastic stability characteristics of the blades be investigated to ensure t...
Optimal mix of a solar, wind, and fuel cell hybrid residential system
Chehab, Khalil; Fahrioğlu, Murat; Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems (2018-1)
Nowadays, supplying electrical power using renewable energy systems faces problems due to the high cost and unreliability of those systems. With the variability of renewable energy sources, a possible way to provide electricity is by combining different renewable sources in one hybridized system. This study is about optimizing and testing the feasibility of different hybridized systems including solar, wind, and fuel cell systems. The study will include on-grid and off-grid optimal solutions for a case stud...
Modeling and investigation of fault ride through capability of variable speed wind turbines
Koç, Erkan; Güven, Ali Nezih; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2010)
Technological improvements on wind energy systems with governmental supports have increased the penetration level of wind power into the grid in recent years. The high level of penetration forces the wind turbines stay connected to the grid during the disturbances in order to enhance system stability. Moreover, power system operators must revise their grid codes in parallel with these developments. This work is devoted to the modeling of variable speed wind turbines and the investigation of fault ride troug...
Improving the energy conversion stability of hybrid solar photovoltaic / wind turbine renewable energy systems
Aşçıoğlu, Berk; Batunlu, Canraş; Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2019-8)
In the last few years, renewable energy sources such as wind turbines, photovoltaics, hydropower stations etc. have become widespread because of raising energy needs of the world. Since the fossil fuel consumption excessively has increased, lack of energy has caused the renewable energy requirement. Furthermore, renewable energy has an important role because of the economic and environmental worries. In other words, industrial and inhabitant needs by provided the traditional energy is no longer a successful...
Değişken hızlı rüzgar türbinlerinin modellenmesi ve arıza sonrası sisteme katkı yeteneklerinin incelenmesi
Koç, Erkan; Güven, Ali Nezih (IEEE; 2010-12-05)
Son yıllarda rüzgâr enerjisi sistemlerindeki teknolojik gelişmeler ve sağlanan devlet destekleri, rüzgâr enerjisinin elektrik üretim profilindeki payını artırmaktadır. Bu artan pay sebebiyle iletim/dağıtım sistem operatörleri, şebeke yönetmeliklerini tekrar gözden geçirmek zorunda kalmışlardır. Ayrıca, sistemin kararlı iletimini sağlamak için, oluşan arızalarda rüzgâr türbinlerinin şebekeye bağlı kalması bir zorunluluk haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışma, rüzgâr türbinlerinin elektrik şebekesine entegrasyonu çalış...
Citation Formats
A. Kayran, “Preliminary study on the applicability of semi-geodesic winding in the design and manufacturing of composite towers,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, pp. 1–12, 2014, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: