Bugünün Türkiyesi'nde Mimarlık



Clock Towers From The Ottoman Period In The Territory Of Today’s Montenegro
Alihodzic, Rifat (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2019-12-21)
The study provides a research about all the clock towers built in today's Montenegro territory during the Ottoman period (1496-1912), with the aim of making a holistic image of their importance. Although previous research on the topic are available, a complex and a thorough examination of this topic has not been undertaken so far. The clock towers in this territory appeared rather early compared to the more developed areas of the Ottoman Empire. Besides the local architectonic features, they reflect a stron...
Bugünün Mimarlık Ortamında Yeniden Anlama ve Anlamlandırmaya Yönelik Bir Kavram Olarak Romantizm
Güzer, Celal Abdi; Özgenel, Lale (Pinhan, 2021-02-01)
Buğday unundan üretilen buğday nişastasının yüksek şekerli früktoz şurubuna enzimik yöntemlerle dönüştürülmesi
Kıncal, Suzan; Hasırcı, Nesrin(2002)
Glikoz şurubu üretiminde mısır ana hammadde olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye'de daha fazla olan buğday nişastasının enzimik hidrolizi incelenmiştir. Taze üretilen (FWS) ve piyasadan satın alınan (PİY) buğday nişastasının üç farklı $\alpha$-amilaz ile sıvılaşma prosesi davranışı ve iki farklı glikoamilaz ile de şekerleşme prosesi incelenmiştir. Hidroliz ürünlerinin indirgen uç konsantrasyonu spektrofotometrik yöntemle, ürün profilleri ise HPLC kullanılarak tayin edilmiştir.Taze hazırlanan buğda...
Color formation in wheat starch based glucose syrups and use of activated carbons for sugar decolorizaiton
Çelebi, İpek; Kıncal, Suzan; Department of Chemical Engineering (2006)
Glucose syrups were produced from wheat starch at 45-90 min liquefaction times followed by 18 h saccharification to study the effect of liquefaction time on color formation and the use of several amounts (0.25%-1%) and types (NORIT, commercial; and hazelnut husk, apricot stone, hazelnut shell based; prepared in Chemical Engineering Department) of activated carbons for color removal. The fractional conversion values and color levels of glucose syrups increased with increasing liquefaction time. However, to r...
A brief review on the effects of violent media on youths
Tosyalı, Ahmet Furkan (2018-06-01)
The main aim of this paper is to briefly review the existing body of knowledge related to youth violence and media. In this context, empirical evidences regarding the association between youth violence and media are mentioned. Also, prevalence rates related to youth media usage, risk factors, and individual differences are given in the review. Then, some preventive suggestions based on the empirical findings are proposed to reduce the positive association between youth violence and media exposure. Finally, ...
Citation Formats
G. A. Sargın, “Bugünün Türkiyesi’nde Mimarlık,” 2018, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/74118.