Development of a computer program for analysis and design of simple span composite box girder highway bridges

Nezhadi, Shamsaddin


Development of a computer program for friction winding system design
Ünal, Fuat Gökhan; Bölükbaşı, Naci; Department of Mining Engineering (2011)
As the trend to deeper mines continues, mine hoists and associated equipment will become more sophisticated, complex, large and expensive. Correct selection of the right type of hoist is imperative. In this vital link between underground and surface, crude estimates of hoist capacity are not good enough, and the mining engineer must design and select the right hoisting system to meet the design specifications and establish the most suitable operating parameters. This study aims to constitute a software mode...
Development of a computer program for steady state design and simulation of open loop hydraulic power circuits
Gül, Fırat; Ünlüsoy, Y. Samim; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1995)
Development of a computer program for the static and dynamic analyses of asymmtric frame-shear wall structures
Ahmet Alper, Can; Yılmaz, Çetin; Department of Civil Engineering (1989)
Development of a computer program for the analysis of fatigue crack growth
Dalgıç, Ali Murtaza; Bilir, Ömer Gündüz; Kadıoğlu, Suat; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2002)
In this study, a computer program is developed for fatigue crack propagation analysis of metal alloys and random fiber composites. The developed program takes the fatigue crack propagation experiment data in the form of crack length vs. number of cycles from the user. The user also, selects the crack geometry and defines loading conditions of the test specimen. Developed program analyze the experimental data and evaluates crack growth rate and stress intensity range. For the calculated or ready crack growth...
Development of a computer program for optimum design of diversion weirs
Turan, Kamil Hakan; Yanmaz, Ali Melih; Department of Civil Engineering (2004)
A diversion weir is a headwork facility built across a river to raise the water level and to divert water for various purposes, such as irrigation, hydropower generation, etc. Diversion weirs with sidewise intakes are widely used in plain rivers. They are composed of many structural components which are designed for different purposes. In this thesis, a Windows-based, visual, user friendly program named WINDWEIR was developed in Visual Basic.NET programming language for the optimum design of a diversion wei...
Citation Formats
S. Nezhadi, “Development of a computer program for analysis and design of simple span composite box girder highway bridges,” Middle East Technical University, 1990.