Kazaların Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını ve Güvensiz Davranışlar



Development of radioecological model for accidental radionuclide release: akkuyu and sinop nuclear power plants
Ünver, Latife Özge; Tuncel, Süleyman Gürdal; Kocar, Cemil; Department of Environmental Engineering (2014)
A dynamic dose model has been developed to estimate radiation doses and stochastic risks due to atmospheric discharges of radionuclides in the case of a nuclear reactor accident. In addition to individual doses from different pathways for different age groups, collective doses and stochastic risks can be calculated by the model. The model can be coupled to any long-range atmospheric dispersion model which can calculate radionuclide concentrations in air and on the ground at predetermined time intervals or m...
The Comparison of risk measures on claim distributions: Turkish motor insurance case
Telkes, Cansu; Kestel, Sevtap Ayşe; Tank, Fatih; Department of Actuarial Sciences (2018)
In this thesis, the impact of various risk measures on pricing methodology of automobile insurance product by using the historical claim data which is obtained from one of the most reputable insurance company in Turkey is investigated. To model the distribution of claim experience for pricing methodology, four right skewed distributions are chosen, namely Gamma, Weibull, Lognormal and Pareto. Two classical methods, which are methods of moment estimation and maximum likelihood estimation, are used to estimat...
Afetlerin Finansal Yönetimi ve DASK
Başbuğ Erkan, Berna Burçak (2015-04-30)
Pilotların Göz Hareketlerinin Durumsal Farkındalık Açısından İncelenmesi
Say, Bilge(2010-12-31)
Durumsal farkındalık, pek çok tanıma göre algı süreciyle başlayan ve karar vermeye kadar devam eden bilişsel bir durumdur. Algıda meydana gelen bir zafiyet, durumsal farkındalığı olumsuz yönde etkilerken, özellikle deneyimli pilotlarda gözlemlenen arama-tarama stratejileri, çevresel bilgileri doğrudan bakmadan algılama yetisi, gereksiz bilgileri baskılayabilme kabiliyeti durumsal farkındalığı algılama sürecinde olumlu yönde desteklemektedir. Durumsal farkındalıkla algısal-bilişsel süreçler arasındaki ilişki...
Trafik Aglarını Bölüntüleyerek Formel Kontrol Stratejilerinin Üretilmesi
Bardakci, Kemal Cagri; Aydın Göl, Ebru (2017-06-29)
The aim of this paper is to produce control strategies for a large vehicular traffic network model of signalized intersections from Linear Temporal Logic specifications. For this purpose, abstraction and formal control techniques which ensure the correctness of synthesized control strategies are utilized. In addition, in order to solve the scalability problem encountered in formal control of dynamic systems, novel network partitioning methods are developed. The proposed methods guarantee that if each sub-ne...
Citation Formats
İ. Öztürk, “Kazaların Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını ve Güvensiz Davranışlar,” PiVOLKA, pp. 7–11, 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: http://www.elyadal.org/pivolka/30/PiVOLKA_30_03.pdf.