A Novel Navigation Algorithm for Mapping Indoor Environments with a Quadrotor

Oral, Omer
Turgut, Ali Emre
Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge
In the last decade, unmanned aerial vehicle gained popularity and started to be used in different tasks most of which are performed in outdoor environments. Still, there is a great potential to use quadrotors in indoor tasks such as urban relief and disaster operations. In this paper, we developed a framework and a novel target-based navigation algorithm for mapping of an unknown 2D environment with a quadrotor using an ultrawideband system. The target-based navigation algorithm aims to explore map of the environment by moving the border between the discovered and undiscovered areas. It uses A* search algorithm for path planning if there is an obstacle present in the environment. The target-based navigation algorithm is implemented on Gazebo simulator and its performance is compared with the well-known wall following algorithm and exploration algorithm in terms of task completion time and distance travelled. The target-based navigation algorithm outperforms the other two algorithms especially in environments with obstacles
Hittite Journal of Science Engineering


Mapping and obstacle avoidance algorithms for quadrotors in the indoor environments
Oral, Ömer; Turgut, Ali Emre; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2019)
Recently, there has been increased interest for search and rescue missions with autonomous flying vehicles. However, as most of the designed techniques are suitable for outdoors, only a few techniques have been developed for indoors. SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) is a method that allows autonomous robots to navigate in both indoor and outdoor environments. Localization part can be easily performed using a GPS(Global Positioning System) outdoors. On the contrary, GPS cannot be used indoors. In...
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Application of a Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in Reforestation of Lebanon Cedar (Cedrus Libani A. Rich)
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Design and manufacturing of a quad tilt rotor unmanned air vehicle
Kahvecioğlu, Ahmet Caner; Alemdaroğlu, Hüseyin Nafiz; Department of Aerospace Engineering (2014)
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Citation Formats
O. Oral, A. E. Turgut, and K. B. Arıkan, “A Novel Navigation Algorithm for Mapping Indoor Environments with a Quadrotor,” Hittite Journal of Science Engineering, pp. 125–134, 2020, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.hjse.hitit.edu.tr/hjse/index.php/HJSE/article/view/469.