The Role of Diasporas in Conflict Resolution and in Post-Conflict Resolution: The Case of Turkish Cypriots in Britain

There is a growing literature on the role of diasporas in homeland conflicts. This role can be positive and contribute to the peace process or, alternatively, can be negative and hamper it. As non-state actors, diasporas operate on a transnational scheme and increasingly become important thanks to rapid changes in areas such as politics and technology. Diasporas constantly interact with state actors, most importantly with their respective homelands and host states. Indeed, a diaspora’s capacity to influence politics in the homeland largely depends on the attitude and actions of homelands and host states. While certain homelands can be welcoming and even seek such support from its diasporas, others are very cautious in allowing the diasporic activity. In order for diaspora communities to be influential actors, host state regimes must also allow them to organize freely as civil society groups. This paper will analyze the role of Turkish Cypriots in Britain in the resolution of the Cyprus conflict and their future role in post-conflict peace building efforts. Emphasis will be given to the homeland and host state governments in limiting/encouraging such involvement. This case will also allow me to examine the outcomes of the interaction between state and non-state actors.
ISA Cooperation and Contestation in World Politics, (28 - 30 Haziran 2017)


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Citation Formats
I. Kuşçu Bonnenfant, “The Role of Diasporas in Conflict Resolution and in Post-Conflict Resolution: The Case of Turkish Cypriots in Britain,” presented at the ISA Cooperation and Contestation in World Politics, (28 - 30 Haziran 2017), Bologna, Italy, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: