Özelleştirme Değil Kamulaştırma



Özelleştirme ve Yerel Yönetimler
Keskinok, Hüseyin Çağatay (null; 2010-03-01)
Özelleştirme Mağduruyuz”: 4-Cli Tekel İşçilerinin Mücadeleleri
Topal Yılmaz, Aylin (2017-11-29)
Bu çalışmanın amacı, AKP hükümetinin özelleştirme sürecinde güvencesizliğe mahkum ettiği Tekel işçilerinin, 4-C’li olmaya karşı 2009-2010 kışındaki direnişlerinden yola çıkarak, ekonomik ve sosyal güvenceden yoksun olan emeğin yeniden üretimini sınıf temelli bir perspektiften yeniden düşünmektir. Direnişe katılan yaklaşık 120 Tekel işçisi ile 2012-2013 yıllarında yapılan saha çalışmasının bulguları kullanılarak, kendilerini “özelleştirme mağduru” olarak tanımlayan söz konusu bireylerin, direniş sürecinde ed...
Anti-privatization struggles and working-class consciousness the case of Aliaga Petkim
Yılmaz, Çetin; Hoşgör, Hatice Ayşe; Department of Sociology (2014)
This dissertation analyzes the impacts of anti-privatization struggles on the formation of working-class consciousness in Turkey. Workers who carried out a very long struggle from the beginning of the 2000s to 2008 against privatization in Aliağa Petkim were selected as a sample group. The study reveals out that workers who participated to collective actions against privatization have higher class consciousness when comparing with relatively younger workers who were hired after privatization. Collective act...
Özelleştirme ve Kent Planlama
Keskinok, Hüseyin Çağatay (1999-02-01)
Impacts of privatization on urban planning: the Turkish case (Ankara)
Eren, Şirin Gülcen; Keskinok, Hüseyin Çağatay; Department of City and Regional Planning (2007)
Privatization debate in urban planning literature is accelerating as commodification of urban space increases by the “tension” between urban planning and privatization. The limited number of studies on the privatization of public lands and its impacts on urban planning processes as well as the theoretical framework in terms of rent, rights to property, and public interest issues has stimulated the aims of this thesis. All these provided a base for this thesis. This Thesis aims to clarify the relationship be...
Citation Formats
H. Ç. Keskinok, “Özelleştirme Değil Kamulaştırma,” 1995, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/75366.