The Limits of International Burdensharing Approach in Mass REfugee Movements



The Limits of an International Burdensharing Approach: Syrian Refugee Protection Crisis and its Consequences
Kale Lack, Başak (2018-09-01)
This article analyses the consequences of the Syrian refugee protection crisis on the development of an effective international burden-sharing approach. It argues that despite the proven necessity of developing effective burden-sharing mechanisms at the EU and international levels, the Syrian refugee protection crisis has shown that limited progress has been achieved both at the international and the regional levels. This article brings these discussions under a systematic framework to show how the Syrian r...
The Dilemma of Species Protection in Action
Demirbaş Çağlayan, Semiha; Bilgin, Cemal Can (null; 2018-07-20)
Species action plans (SAPs) can be effective tools in nature conservation. These guideline documents inform the status and threats of species and their habitats, and they identify and prioritize actions to enhance the species populations. They both disseminate and make use of useful relevant information by involving local stakeholders, natural resource managers, conservationists and decision makers. The Turkish Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs aims to complete 100 SAPs between 2013 and 2023. Until mid...
The Limits of the Post-Kemalist Paradigm Critique of Secularism in Turkey
Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe (null; 2018-09-21)
The Mediatory Role of Moral Foundations in Predicting Ideology from RWA and SDO
Sayılan, Gülden; Türkoğlu Demirel, Beril; Cingöz Ulu, Banu (null; 2017-07-02)
The role of institution and home contexts in theory of mind development
Yagmurlu, B; Kazak Berument, Sibel; Celimli, S (Elsevier BV, 2005-09-01)
To investigate the role of early context in theory of mind development, institutionalized children living in a boarding home (n = 34) in Turkey were compared to home-reared children coming from low (n = 32) and middle socioeconomic backgrounds (n = 44). Theory of mind was assessed with one deception and three false belief tasks; Peabody PVT and Raven CPM were administered to control for language and nonverbal intelligence. Results indicated a context effect whereby home-reared children performed better than...
Citation Formats
B. Kale Lack, “The Limits of International Burdensharing Approach in Mass REfugee Movements,” 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: