Evaluation of environmental performance based on proximity to BAT associated resource utilization and emission values: A case study in a steel making industry



Assessing technologies for reducing dust emissions from sintermaking based on cross-media effects and economic analysis
Çakır, Nur; Alp, Emre; Yetiş, Ülkü (2020-09-01)
The Industrial Emission Directive (IED) requires industrial establishments to apply the best available techniques (BATs), and competent environmental authorities to set permit conditions based on the emission levels associated with BATs. However, the Directive provides no tools for the assessment of BATs leading to the determination of BAT at the installation level. This study applies the cross-media effects assessment methodology to assess BATs at the installation level, applicable to all industrial sector...
Assessing the potential benefits from the application of best available techniques in the textile industry
Gülveren, Merve; Yetiş, Ülkü; Department of Environmental Engineering (2021-7)
The Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive, which was recasted as the Industrial Emission Directive (IED) in 2010, is the main EU’s legal instrument regulating pollutant emissions from industrial establishments. As a candidate country to join the EU, Turkey is expected to harmonize domestic legislation with the IED and implement it. In 2018, the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (MoEU) published a draft regulation entitled “Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC)” for...
Comparison of sub-processes and final products of iron and steel production with life cycle assessment
Ölmez, Gülnur; Yetiş, Ülkü; Department of Environmental Engineering (2011)
Iron and steel production is one of the most resource and energy demanding industries around the world. Throughout the life cycle of iron and steel products, the intensive use of raw materials and energy results in contributions to a wide range of environmental impacts. This study conducts a life cycle assessment (LCA) for iron and steel production in Turkey using SimaPro software and IMPACT 2002+ impact assessment method with the purpose of comparing the impacts of life cycle stage (coke making, sintering,...
Evaluation of best environmental management practices of an integrated iron and steel plant
Çakır, Nur; Yetiş, Ülkü; Alp, Emre; Department of Environmental Engineering (2012)
European Union published IPPC Directive in 1996 aiming to create an integrated approach in order to manage and control industrial facilities better. IPPC provides the development of a new concept of “Best Available Techniques (BAT)”, the most effective, advanced and applicable methods, preventing emissions to the environment and providing efficient use of resources. Within this framework, numerous sectoral Best Available Techniques Reference Documents were published giving information on the sector and BAT ...
Assessment of the best available wastewater management techniques for a textile mill: cost and benefit analysis
Doğan, Buğçe; Yetiş, Ülkü; Department of Environmental Engineering (2008)
The Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive from the European Union strives to achieve a high level of environmental protection by preventing or reducing the pollution emanating from industrial installations directly at the source. The Directive implies that the emission limit values should be set in accordance with each industry’s Best Available Techniques (BAT). In the present study, water recovery and wastewater treatability alternatives developed beforehand were evaluated towards th...
Citation Formats
N. Çakır, E. Alp, and Ü. Yetiş, “Evaluation of environmental performance based on proximity to BAT associated resource utilization and emission values: A case study in a steel making industry,” presented at the IWWATV Industrial Waste & Wastewater Treatment & Valorization, (May 21-23, 2015), Athens, GREECE, 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: http://uest.ntua.gr/iwwatv/proceedings/pdf/Cakir_et_al.pdf.