Slope stability analysis of a borax stockpile site

Stability investigations were conducted for a slope at the back of a borax stockpile site near the Bandirma Harbor in the northwestern Turkey. There was a slope failure at the site causing damage in the concrete sections of the harbour in front. Investigations started with deformation monitoring with an inclinometer. Failure mechanisms were determined with back analysis using method of slices and finite difference models. A combined failure mechanism involving a circular failure surface in the slope and a noncircular part in a weak zone under the stockpile area was found to be responsible for the failures in the region.


Geostatistical modeling of spatial variability of SPT data for a borax stockpile site
Basarir, Hakan; Kumral, Mustafa; Karpuz, Celal; Tutluoğlu, Levend (Elsevier BV, 2010-8)
The major borax producer, Eti Mining Co. of Turkey, planned to construct an export stock site located near the Bandirma Harbor in the northwestern of Turkey. During this construction, some stability problems were encountered. To analyze the stability problems and to assess the engineering properties of soil in the stock site geotechnical investigations were started. As a part of geotechnical investigations one of the most common field tests, the standard penetration tests (SPT), was conducted for soil explo...
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Landslide stabilization by piles: A case history
Şengör, Mahmut Yavuz; Ergun, Mehmet Ufuk; Huvaj Sarıhan, Nejan (null; 2013-09-02)
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Evaluation of alluvial deposits in Gemlik basin in terms of earthquake codes.
Avşar, Ulaş; Doyuran, Vedat; Department of Geological Engineering (2006)
Gemlik County is located in the Marmara Region (NW Turkey), which has been affected by destructive earthquakes sourced from North Anatolian Fault System throughout its history. The bulk of the settlement rests on alluvial deposits of the Gemlik pull-apart basin. So, it is vital to investigate the foundation soils in this basin and the response of them to earthquakes. Many earthquake codes were established by the authorities in different countries of the world to estimate the possible ground shaking and seis...
Groundwater Impact assessment of Tailings Storage Facility Western Turkey
Peksezer Sayıt, Ayşe; Yazıcıgil, Hasan (null; 2015-12-18)
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Citation Formats
C. Karpuz, “Slope stability analysis of a borax stockpile site,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINING AND MINERAL ENGINEERING, pp. 147–171, 2009, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: