Reviving Indigenous Taste with Locals in the Historic Rural Landscapes in Turkey

Asrav, Emine Çiğdem
Bilgin Altınöz, Ayşe Güliz
53rd IFLA World Congress, 2016


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This research aims to revive the cultural values through the landscape design in a historic site located in northeast Iran with an arid climate. The area of study has undergone a physical transformation, in particular, the reconstruction of the main street has been detrimental to old trees along the central path, which has resulted in changing landscape and character of the area. The research methodology was based on qualitative techniques consisting of structured observation, photography, sketching, and gr...
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As a prominent public space of the city, streets serve many important social, cultural, economic, ecological, political or historical purposes. Streets are vessels, where simple to complex social interactions such as being outside, observing, meeting and gathering are performed by urban communities. However in Turkey, as a result of the neoliberal policies and major developments in the real estate sector, cities have begun to expand towards their peripheries. The streets in the centers, thus, began to decli...
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Citation Formats
E. Ç. Asrav and A. G. Bilgin Altınöz, “Reviving Indigenous Taste with Locals in the Historic Rural Landscapes in Turkey,” presented at the 53rd IFLA World Congress, 2016, Turin, Italy, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: