Eşcinsellere ilişkin tutumlar: Türkiye’de yapılan görgül çalışmalar.

Bu makalenin amacı, Türkiye'de eşcinsellere ilişkin tutumların çeşitli sosyal psikolojik değişkenler ile ilişkisini ele alan görgül çalışmaları derlemektir. Bu amaçla, makalenin ilk bölümünde, ele alınan konulan içeren yurt dışındaki çalışmalar Türkiye'de yapılan çalışmalara paralel olarak kısaca ele alınmaktadır. Makalenin ikinci bölümünde ise, eşcinsellere ilişkin yapılan çeşitli yurt içi çalışmalara kısaca değinildikten sonra, eşcinsellere ilişkin tutumlarla sosyal psikolojik ve demografik değişkenler arasındaki ilişkileri inceleyen görgül çalışmalar detaylı olarak yer almaktadır. Bu sosyal psikolojik değişkenler cinsiyet farklılığı ve cinsiyetçilik, sosyal ilişki kurma, otoriterlik, sosyal üstünlük yönelimi, yükleme ve diğer değişkenler olmak üzere altı alt başlık halinde verilmektedir. Aynca, eşcinsellere ilişkin kalıpyargılar konusunda yapılan çalışmalara da makalede yer verilmektedir.
Türk Psikoloji Yazıları


Problems and Status of Sociology in Turkey
Hançer, Zuhal Yonca; Hançer, Zuhal Yonca; Department of Sociology (2004)
The main question of this study is the insufficient developed character of sociology in Turkey. In this study it is assumed that there are few factors that lead to this situation. Official ideology and its effects on sociology and university, the problems arisen from the discipline itself, the developing character of Turkey, and the conflict among sociologist academicians can be accepted as the factors that affect the sociology in Turkey. Related to this problem, in this study the opinions of academics soci...
The role of social identity and collective memory in predicting in-group bias and collective action in Turkey‟s alevis
Bükün, Mehmet Fatih; Cingöz Ulu, Banu; Department of Psychology (2014)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the relationship between social identity, collective action participation and in-group bias in the Alevi community in Anatolia. In doing this, the mediatory role of collective memory is also investigated. In examining collective memory, one positive event and one negative event that Alevis had lived through in the past were selected (Namely, the re-opening of Haji Bektash Veli Dervish Lodge in 1964 which was closed in 1925 was chosen as the positive event and Madımak Mas...
Religiousness, conservatism and their relationship with traffic behaviour
Yıldırım, Zümrüt; Lajınen, Timo; Department of Psychology (2007)
The present study investigated the relationship between religiousness, conservatism and traffic behaviour. It was shown that, intrinsic religious orientation significantly predicted ordinary violations of both the drivers and the pedestrians. Religiousness seems to have a positive effect by orienting the individual to obey the rules and to refrain from risk taking behaviour. Moreover, components of conservatism (conservation of values and resistance to change) were found to affect the aggressive violations ...
The Role of social dominance orientation, empathy and perceived threat in predicting prejudice of Turkish citizens toward Syrian immigrants
Karaoğlu, Ezgi; Sakallı Uğurlu, Nuray; Department of Psychology (2015)
The aim of the current thesis is to investigate the impact of social dominance orientation (SDO), perceived threat, and empathy on prejudice toward Syrian immigrants in Turkey. Recently, with the increased number of Syrian immigrants entering Turkey by escaping the civil war in their country, the attitudes of the citizens of Turkey toward Syrian immigrants changed from positive into prejudicial ones. Under these changing circumstances, attitudes of citizens of Turkey toward Syrian immigrants were studied wi...
Worldviews and ideological orientations: an integration of polarity theory, dual process model, and moral foundations theory
Sayılan, Gülden; Cingöz Ulu, Banu; Department of Psychology (2018)
Scholars in the field of political psychology examined the psychological factors that underlie political orientation and contributed greatly to our understanding of the concept. However, there is still more to learn on the processes by which these factors result in ideological orientations. Integration of worldviews in the study of ideology would be valuable since they have effects on a wide range of sociopolitical beliefs attitudes and they show the route from feelings and ideas about everything, to concre...
Citation Formats
N. Sakallı, “Eşcinsellere ilişkin tutumlar: Türkiye’de yapılan görgül çalışmalar.,” Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, pp. 53–69, 2006, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/76558.