The Performance of simplified and conventional travel demand models in the context of medium-sized cities of developing countries



The Performance of Simplified and Conventional Travel Demand Models in the Context of Medium-Sized Cities of Developing Countries
Birgönül, Mustafa Talat (null; 1989-09-15)
The Relative Effectiveness of Integrated Reading Study Strategy and Conceptual Physics Approach
Taslidere, Erdal; Eryılmaz, Ali (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2012-04-01)
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the combined and partial effects of the Integrated Reading/Study Strategy and Conceptual Physics Approach on ninth grade private high school students' achievement in and attitudes toward optics. The Integrated Reading/Study Strategy is a new strategy which was developed by integrating previously existing reading strategies of the KWL and SQ3R with classroom lecturing. The Conceptual Physics Approach is an instructional strategy developed on the basis of C...
The effects of natural disaster trends on the pre-positioning implementation in humanitarian logistics networks
Bozkurt, Melda; Duran, Serhan; Department of Industrial Engineering (2011)
The most important aim of pre-positioning is to reduce the delivery lead time with eliminating the procurement stage by positioning items closer to the disaster area. The last 30 years’ data is used to designate the disaster trends; EM-DAT database is used to acquire the necessary data which includes the disaster locations, type of disasters and number of people affected. Also the most recent four years’ data is used for verification of the results. Locations of the optimal warehouses for pre-positioning ar...
The Impact of Large Investors on the Portfolio Optimization of Single-Family Houses in Housing Markets
Yılmaz, Bilgi; Korn, Ralf; Kestel, Sevtap Ayşe (2022-02-01)
As a consequence of the real estate market crash after 2008, large investors invested a significant amount of wealth into single-family houses to construct a portfolio of rental dwellings, whose income is securitized in the capital. In some local housing markets, these investors own remarkable numbers of single-family houses. Furthermore, their trading activities have resulted in a new investment strategy, which exacerbates property wealth concentration and polarization. This new investment strategy and its...
Kentsel Dokuların Dolaşım Sistemlerinin İşleyişindeki Rolü
Zorlu, Fikret (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2008)
Ulaşım planlaması ve kentsel tasarım yazınında kentsel dokuların tasarımı, oluşumu ve özellikleri konusunda yaygın çalışmalar bulunmasına rağmen, yol ağlarının kentsel trafiğin işleyişi üzerindeki etkilerini inceleyen az sayıda çalışma vardır (1). Bu çalışmada kentsel dokular ile ulaşım sistemleri arasındaki ilişki irdelenmektedir. Bunun için kentsel tasarım yazınında tanımlanmış bazı temel dokulardan yola çıkılarak kavramsal yol ağları oluşturulmakta ve bu yol ağlarının öngörülen bazı yolculuk istem...
Citation Formats
M. T. Birgönül, The Performance of simplified and conventional travel demand models in the context of medium-sized cities of developing countries. 1992, p. 61.