Structural Optimization of Composite Helicopter Rotor Blades

Işık, Ayberk Alperen
Kayran, Altan


Structural optimization of composite helicopter rotor blades
Işık, Alperen Ayberk; Kayran, Altan; Department of Aerospace Engineering (2018)
Structural optimization of a helicopter rotor blade with uniform aerodynamic surface and twist at the functional region is performed for weight minimization subject to various constraints relevant to helicopter rotor blades. The genetic algorithm based optimization is performed only for the functional region of the blade. Design variables are taken as the number of unidirectional S-glass layers in the spar cap, position of the spar web with respect to the leading edge, nose mass diameter and position of the...
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Aysoy, Feyyaz; Department of Building Sciences (1985)
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Akın, Tuğba; Türer, Ahmet; Department of Civil Engineering (2012)
Railroad bridges are the most important connection parts of railroad networks. These bridges are exposed to heavier train loads compared to highway bridges as well as various detrimental ambient conditions during their life span. The railroad bridges in Turkey are mostly constructed during the late Ottoman and first periods of the Turkish Republic; therefore, they are generally close to about 100 years of age; their inspection and maintenance works are essential. Structural health monitoring (SHM) technique...
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Alanbay, Berkan; Şahin, Melin (null; 2015-05-21)
Citation Formats
A. A. Işık and A. Kayran, “Structural Optimization of Composite Helicopter Rotor Blades,” presented at the American Society for Composites, 31st Technical Conference and ASTM Committee D30 Meeting, (19 - 22 Eylül 2016), Williamsburg, VA, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: