Experimental Heating Analysis of High Frequency RF CCP



Experimental thermal performance characterization of flat grooved heat pipes
Alijani, Hossein; Çetin, Barbaros; Akkuş, Yiğit; Dursunkaya, Zafer (TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 530 WALNUT STREET, STE 850, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USA, 2015-06-15)
The thermal characterization of aluminum flat grooved heat pipes is performed experimentally for different groove dimensions. Three heat pipes with groove widths of 0.2 mm, 0.4 mm, and 1.5 mm are used in the experiments. The effect of the amount of the working fluid is extensively studied for each groove width. The results reveal that, although all three succeed in dissipating the heat input through the phase change of the working fluid by continuous evaporation and condensation, the effectiveness of the he...
Experimental Thermal Performance Characterization of Flat Grooved Heat Pipes
Alijani, Hossein; ÇETİN, BARBAROS; Akkus, Yigit; Dursunkaya, Zafer (Informa UK Limited, 2019-06-15)
The thermal characterization of aluminum flat grooved heat pipes is performed experimentally for different groove dimensions. Three heat pipes with groove widths of 0.2 mm, 0.4 mm, and 1.5 mm are used in the experiments. The effect of the amount of the working fluid is extensively studied for each groove width. The results reveal that, although all three succeed in dissipating the heat input through the phase change of the working fluid by continuous evaporation and condensation, the effectiveness of the he...
Experimental analysis of a refrigerant air dryer
Uslu, Mustafa; Yamalı, Cemil; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2012)
Compressed air is widely used particularly in industry. In order to increase the quality of the process and lifetime of the machine, the compressed air should be dried. Therefore the air is used after compression and drying processes. The most commonly used machines that do this process are called “Refrigerant Air Dryers”. These air dryers are designed to cool and dehumidify the moist air. The process of decreasing temperature is carried out by a refrigerant, R134a. Unlike design conditions, dryers are work...
Experimental Evaluation of Spin Echo based Magnetic Resonance Magnetohydrodynamic Flow Velocimetry
Şişman, Mert; Sadighi, Mehdi; Eroğlu, Hasan Hüseyin; Eyüboğlu, Behçet Murat (2021-05-15)
Magnetohydrodynamc (MHD) flow occurs due to the Lorentz force formed by the nteracton between the statc magnetc feld of the MR scanner andthe externally njected electrc current. The MR based magng of MHD flow has become a research feld of nterest recently. The MHD flow can beextracted from the MR phase mages obtaned usng a pulse sequence wth flow-encodng gradents. In ths study, the MHD flow dstrbutons of asmulated model and a homogeneous expermental phantom are obtaned. The MHD velocty contrast mages recons...
Experimental characterization of collapse-mode CMUT operation
Oralkan, Omer; Bayram, Barış; Yaralioglu, Goksen G.; Ergun, A. Sanli; Kupnik, Mario; Yeh, David T.; Wygant, Ira O.; Khuri-Yakub, Butrus T. (2006-08-01)
This paper reports on the experimental characterization of collapse-mode operation of capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs). CMUTs are conventionally operated by applying a direct current (DC) bias voltage less than the collapse voltage of the membrane, so that the membrane is deflected toward the bottom electrode. In the conventional regime, there is no contact between the membrane and the substrate; the maximum alternating current (AC) displacement occurs at the center of the membrane. I...
Citation Formats
Ü. Erözbek Güngör and D. Akbar, “Experimental Heating Analysis of High Frequency RF CCP,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/77414.