Paris tarihi kent mekânında yeni dünyalar sosyal konut ve çağdaş mimarlık

XXI Mimarlık Kültürü Dergisi, (Tepe Mimarlık Kültürü Merkezi)


Fransa'da Laiklik ve Milliyetçilik: 1905 Kilise-Devlet Ayrılığı Yasası
Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe (2006-08-01)
Paris te Büyük Projeler
Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ (2000-09-01)
Paris te bir Mimarlık Sergisi Frank O Gehry Avrupa Projeleri
Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ (1991-01-01)
France and The Search For Autonomy In European Security
Bahçecik, Şerif Onur; Bağcı, Hüseyin; Department of International Relations (2004)
This thesis depicts the French security and foreign policy regarding European security. The study covers French foreign and security policy in the aftermath of the Second World War, the period of Charles de Gaulle, François Mitterrand and Jacques Chirac. The theme of autonomy in European security is maintained throughout the years under scrutiny. It is argued that the search for autonomy has been a constant goal of the French security and foreign policy. It is also maintained that France has a policy of emp...
A comperative study in two neighborhoods in Tokyo and istanbul : an architectural and aesthetical analysis
Esen, Yadigar; Erzen, Jale Adile; Department of Architecture (2010)
This master thesis comprizes of a comparative study between two neighborhoods in two different cities: Nezu-Tokyo and Ortakoy-Istanbul. Although two cities that have been chosen seem incomparable in many respects, the study scale –neighborhoodsprovide a deeper apprehension to understand the differences or similarities that the two cultures and their architecture share. In the master thesis, the main factors that form, constitute, and limit the neighborhoods, with the help of the photographical medium, will ...
Citation Formats
F. C. Bilsel, “Paris tarihi kent mekânında yeni dünyalar sosyal konut ve çağdaş mimarlık,” XXI Mimarlık Kültürü Dergisi, (Tepe Mimarlık Kültürü Merkezi), pp. 114–130, 2001, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: