Competition Law and Practice in Turkey



Competition, Speculative Risks, and IT Security Outsourcing
Cezar, Asunur; Cavusoglu, Huseyin; Raghunathan, Srinivasan (2009-06-25)
Information security management is becoming a more critical and, simultaneously, a challenging function for many firms. Even though many security managers are skeptical about outsourcing of IT security, others have cited reasons that are used for outsourcing of traditional IT functions for why security outsourcing is likely to increase. Our research offers a novel explanation, based on competitive externalities associated with IT security, for firms' decisions to outsource IT security. We show that if compe...
Commercial Law in Turkey with Specific Reference to Rules Related to Competition in Turkish Legal System
Aşçıoğlu Öz, Gamze (2017-01-01)
Competitive newsvendor problems with the same Nash and Stackelberg solutions
Serin, Yaşar Yasemin (2007-01-01)
Consider two newsvendors: (i) they compete satisfying substitutable demands searching Nash equilibrium or (ii) one is the leader deciding first, the other responds optimally playing a Stackelberg game. The leader profits more than she does in (i). We present conditions under which the leader's profit does not improve from (i) to (ii).
Financial modelling with random bridge signals and forward information
Aydın, Nadi Serhan; Weber, Gerhard Wilhelm; Constantinides, Anthony G.; Department of Financial Mathematics (2016)
In this thesis, we focus on modelling financial information flow, and information-based asset pricing. The fundamental properties of the framework under study are recovered in detail, after which a brief information-theoretic perspective is offered to quantify the information content of signals. A link to the existing literature on asymmetric information/belief equilibrium is established through a sequential auction model with heterogeneous signals. The effects of differential information on the allocation ...
Corporate strategies for currency risk management
Tekcan, İsmail Berat; Kestel, A. Sevtap.; Department of Financial Mathematics (2019)
For many years, forecasting the sales has been thought as a significant fundamental for the companies that operate in fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector. Companies that are successful in predicting their sales, also have the strength to manage company’s financials. Also, companies have the chance to react to tough situations that they might face. In the academic literature, there exist many studies about forecasting the future of sales. However, there are limited studies about how the companies foreca...
Citation Formats
G. Aşçıoğlu Öz, “Competition Law and Practice in Turkey,” European Competition Law Review, pp. 149–158, 1999, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: