Development of Prospective Middle School Mathematics Teachers’ Geometric Thinking Levels via Tessellation



Savuran, Ruya; Işıksal Bostan, Mine; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2022-4-21)
The purpose of this study is to understand the nature and development of prospective mathematics teachers’ specialized knowledge for teaching the concept of limit in a broad sense through designed lesson study development model. The teaching experiment methodology was adopted to examine the nature and development of prospective mathematics teachers’ specialized knowledge for teaching the concept of limit; in particular, the teacher development experiment was utilized. Accordingly, lesson study with its phas...
Development in secondary pre-service mathematics teachers' pre-existing beliefs during the last 1.5 years of the five year integrated program
Eryılmaz, Ayşegül; Ubuz, Behiye; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2005)
The purpose of this study was to determine the fourteen pre-service mathematics teachers̕ beliefs about mathematics and teaching and learning of mathematics, and their expectations and acquisitions of the Five Year Integrated Program in the Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education at Gazi University, Turkey, and the development in their beliefs during the last three semesters of the program. The data were collected through four longitudinal interviews from each participant. Data collection ...
Developing prospective mathematics teachers’ knowledge for teaching quadrilaterals through a video case-based learning environment
Ulusoy, Fadime; Çakıroğlu, Erdinç; Department of Elementary Education (2016)
The aim of this study was to examine the developments in prospective middle school mathematics teachers’ subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge about quadrilaterals as they attended to a teaching experiment that was designed in a video case-based learning environment. Data was collected from eight prospective teachers during the fall semester of 2014-2015 in the scope of an elective course. In data collection process, multiple data sources were utilized such as clinical individual pre- a...
Development of an instrument for science teachers’ perceived readiness in STEM education
Şatgeldi, Ayşe Nihan; Özdemir, Ömer Faruk; Department of Mathematics and Science Education (2017)
The main purpose of this study was to develop an instrument to measure science teachers’ perceived readiness in STEM education. For this purpose, 54 items were written after extensive literature review and interviews with experts. Some of these items were rewritten or omitted as a result of expert opinions and finally 50 items were pilot tested. In the thesis, 306 elementary and secondary science (elementary science, physics, chemistry and biology) teachers participated. To finalize the instrument, out of 5...
Development of Prospective Teachers' Noticing Skills Within Initial Teacher Education
Tekin-Sitrava, Reyhan; Kaiser, Gabriele; Işıksal Bostan, Mine (2021-09-01)
Although the effects of professional development programs on teachers' noticing skills have attracted considerable interest among mathematics education researchers, little is known about the developmental process of prospective teachers' noticing skills within initial teacher education. This paper examines the extent to which prospective teachers' noticing skills are developed through the mathematics education courses taken within the mathematics teachers' education program using exemplarily the topic divis...
Citation Formats
S. Kandil and M. Işıksal Bostan, “Development of Prospective Middle School Mathematics Teachers’ Geometric Thinking Levels via Tessellation,” 2018, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: