Unsteady flow through a sharp-edged single-hole orifice placed in a pipe

Anantharaman, Vinod
Waterson, Nicholas
Nakiboglu, Gunes
Perçin, Mustafa
Van Oudheusden, Bas W.
International Workshop on Non-Intrusive Optical Flow Diagnostics, (25 - 26 Ekim 2016)


Unsteady one dimensional groundwater flow in a non-uniform aquifer with various field boundary conditions
Polatel, Ceyda; Önder, Halil; Department of Civil Engineering (2000)
Unsteady 2-d chlorine transport in water supply pipes
Ozdemir, ON; Ger, AM (Elsevier BV, 1999-12-01)
Water supply networks are generally modelled for a day or longer time period. Under most circumstances, it is normal to omit the dispersive movement of chlorine and to assume that the convective transport dominates over dispersion. However, during night time operations the velocities are significantly decreased. This radical change in the velocity may therefore lead to the following question: can the available convection based quality models predict the chlorine concentrations accurately in time and space? ...
Unsteady RANS for simulation of high swirling non premixed methane air flame
Solmaz, Burak; Uslu, Sıtkı; Uzol, Oğuz (null; 2014-07-30)
Highly swirled non-premixed methane-air combustion is studied using Unsteady RANS. The increased CPU power at present times makes RANS solutions a viable design methodology for industrial applications. LES, Large Eddy Simulation, is still a bit far away from being the routine approach as a design tool in industry. The confined non-premixed TECFLAM S09C flame is investigated because of its similarity with gas turbine engine combustors. A block structured hexahedral computational mesh is used for the whole do...
Unsteady MHD mixed convection flow in a lid-driven cavity with a heated wavy wall
OGLAKKAYA, F. S.; Bozkaya, Canan (Elsevier BV, 2018-11-01)
The unsteady mixed convection flow under the effect of an externally applied uniform magnetic field is investigated numerically in a lid-driven cavity with a sinusoidal wavy wall. The governing equations given in terms of stream function, vorticity and temperature are discretized by using the dual reciprocity boundary element method (DRBEM) in space and a two-level time integration scheme is employed in time discretization. The simulations focus on the effects of several physical parameters, namely Hartmann...
Unsteady 1D flow in unconfined nonuniform aquifers
Onder, H; Banna, SM (1998-08-07)
A one-dimensional groundwater now occurring in a finite, unconfined, nonuniform aquifer, which consists in two different regions, is considered. The aquifer is limited on one side by a flood channel and by an impervious formation on the other side. The flow occurs as a result of a sudden drop (or a rise) in the water stage of the flood channel. The now is investigated by two approaches; experimentally in a sandbox model in the laboratory and numerically using a digital model based on finite differences. The...
Citation Formats
V. Anantharaman, N. Waterson, G. Nakiboglu, M. Perçin, and B. W. Van Oudheusden, “Unsteady flow through a sharp-edged single-hole orifice placed in a pipe,” presented at the International Workshop on Non-Intrusive Optical Flow Diagnostics, (25 - 26 Ekim 2016), Delft, Hollanda, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/77769.