Numerical teratment of multiparameter eigenvalue problems.

Durgun, Levent


Numerical determination of modal observability of two dimensional linear time invariant systems.
Fildis, M Feridun; Department of Electrical Engineering (1985)
Numerical modeling of general compressible multi-phase flows
Kalpaklı, Bora; Tarman, Işık Hakan; Özyörük, Yusuf; Department of Engineering Sciences (2013)
In this thesis, some novel methods for solution of compressible, multi-phase flows on unstructured grids were developed. The developed methods are especially advantageous for interface problems, while they are also applicable to multi-phase flows containing mixtures as well as particle suspensions. The first method studied was a multi-dimensional, multi-phase Godunov method for compressible multi-phase flows. This method is based on the solution of a hyperbolic equation system for compressible multi-phase f...
Numerical study of boundary conditions for flow fields with porous boundaries.
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Numerical Constructions of Testing Functions for Improving the Accuracy of MFIE and CFIE in Multi-Frequency Applications
Karaosmanoglu, Bariscan; Altinoklu, Askin; Ergül, Özgür Salih (EMW Publishing, 2016-01-01)
We present a new approach based on numerical constructions of testing functions for improving the accuracy of the magnetic-field integral equation (MFIE) and the combined-field integral equation (CFIE) with low-order discretizations. Considering numerical solutions, testing functions are designed by enforcing the compatibility of the MFIE systems with the accurate coefficients obtained by solving the electric-field integral equation (EFIE). We demonstrate the accuracy improvements on scattering problems, wh...
Citation Formats
L. Durgun, “Numerical teratment of multiparameter eigenvalue problems.,” Middle East Technical University, 1985.