Socially-shared metacognition processes of 7th graders throughout science museum context in Turkey

Türkmen, Gamze
Yıldırım, Zahide
This study aims at investigating socially-shared metacognition processes of 7 th graders based on science lessons within a science museum context. Research questions are collected under three main themes which are (1) detecting current practices of science museum context in reference to students’, science teachers’ and museum educators’ perceptions, (2) 467 investigating metacognition processes of 7 th graders having museum experience, and (3) observing and detecting the indicators of socially-shared metacognition processes of 7 th graders via a virtual science museum. While first research question has been conducting for need analysis purposes, 10 science museums from five metropolis in Turkey was selected to conduct interview with science museum educators and to reach active teachers who contributed to field-trips. For the second and third research questions, a cognitive ethnographical research method will be conducted based on purposive sampling method. Two groups who are whether having museum experience (tutors) or not (tutees) will consist of totally 24 students. Students, equally distributed in gender, will be selected based on their achievement levels in science lessons including low, moderated and high achievement levels. The main study will endure throughout eight weeks. Students having science museum experience for four-weeks will be recorded via first-person view and third-person view. Tutor students will conduct activities by concurrently thinking aloud. After the activities conducted, students will be shown their video recordings for retrospective thinking. Following the science museum experience, for four-week duration, tutor students will be a part of a video production process and share their videos with other students having no opportunity to visit science museums.
European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) (27 Ağustos - 02 Eylül 2017)


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Citation Formats
G. Türkmen and Z. Yıldırım, “Socially-shared metacognition processes of 7th graders throughout science museum context in Turkey,” presented at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) (27 Ağustos - 02 Eylül 2017), Finland, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: