Vatanına Dönmeye Çalışan Müslüman Bir Halk AhıskaTürklerinin Gürcistan da Bir Geleceği Var mı



Changing concepts and practices of citizenship: experiences and perceptions of second-generation Turkish-Germans
Kartal, Filiz; Yalman, Osman Galip; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2004)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the challenges of immigration on the modern concept of citizenship by interpreting the perceptions of individuals. It tries to reveal the ways in which citizenship practices and conceptualizations of second-generationTurkish-Germans support and/or diverge from the theoretical approaches that attempt to explicate the immigration/citizenship problem. Second-generation Turkish-Germans̕ experiences and perceptions of citizenship are investigated with respect to three asp...
Rethinking citizenship, immigration and refugee admissions from an ethics of immigration perspective
Türkmen, Fulya Felicity; Birler, Reşide Ömür; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2018)
As the world witnesses the biggest wide scale displacement and mass immigration movement of 21st century, we need to rethink the political theory and ethics of immigration. In this context, it is important that we need to understand and explain the concept of citizenship and its evolution. The questions like How is citizenship defined in the modern state and what is the importance of social contract in this context? How is the status of the non-citizen defined and what are the criteria for new membership? w...
Türkiye Ve K.k.t.c. Siyasi Elitleri Ve Avrupa Birliği.
Şenyuva, Özgehan(2010-12-31)
Yürütülen proje, 2009 yılında gerçekleştirilen BAP-04-04-2009-03 nolu “Avrupa Bütünleşmesine Türk Siyasi Elitlerinin Bakışı” isimli BAP projesi ve ODTÜ-Avrupa Çalışmaları Merkezi tarafından 2008-2009 yıllarında gerçekleşen “SİNAN-Akademik Ağların Güçlendirilmesi ve Entegrasyonu” isimli projenin elit tutumları araştırması başlığının daha geniş kapsamlı ve Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti siyasi elitlerini de kapsayarak karşılaştırmalı olarak gerçekleştirilmesine yöneliktir. Bu proje AB'n...
The health right of refugees in Turkey
Toksabay, Burcu; Erdemir, Aykan; Department of Sociology (2010)
The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the access of refugees to the right of health in Turkey. There are significant problems in the access of refugees to the available health services and there are no special health services designed to meet the needs of the refugees. Through field research in a city where refugees are settled, the problems related with the access to health services by refugees were examined. In a qualitative study design, this piece of research involved in depth interviews with ...
Disowning citizens: arbitrary revocation of citizenship and statelessness in the paternalist Turkish state
Mutlu, Yeşim; Gündüz Hoşgör, Ayşe.; Department of Sociology (2019)
The aim of this study is to understand the concept of citizenship, on the basis of its negation, in a word statelessness, through focusing on the practice of citizenship revocation that is one of the most forgotten fields of the citizenship studies both in general and in Turkey. Starting out with this aim, the practice of involuntary loss of citizenship within the context of Turkey, analyzed in association with national identity and perceived (dis)loyalty. The analysis presented within the context of this s...
Citation Formats
S. Keskin, “Vatanına Dönmeye Çalışan Müslüman Bir Halk AhıskaTürklerinin Gürcistan da Bir Geleceği Var mı,” 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: